
Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Fortunately the USCCB has little influence in the Church because if it did speak for the majority of Churches in the U.S. the sermons would consist of pro-abortion and pro-homosexual tirades!-Nice try though!

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Every diocese in the United States has tours to Medjugorje and to believe that every diocese in the U.S. and worldwide for that matter for the past 2 1/2 decades has been in violation of the Vatican decree is utter foolishness. As I have stated, in order for a ban to be placed on an apparition site it has to be deemed false by the Vatican Commission. Medjugorje has not and will not be judged either …More
Every diocese in the United States has tours to Medjugorje and to believe that every diocese in the U.S. and worldwide for that matter for the past 2 1/2 decades has been in violation of the Vatican decree is utter foolishness. As I have stated, in order for a ban to be placed on an apparition site it has to be deemed false by the Vatican Commission. Medjugorje has not and will not be judged either way until: 1. The apparitons have ceased to occur. 2. After the cessation of the apparitions (sometimes years after) the Vatican Commission will render its verdict. Pilgrims are free to go to Medjugorje and continue to do so.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

😀 I've already proven my point and you can choose not to accept it as indeed you will.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

www.marian-times.com/…/pope-benedict-n…There is no ban on pilgimages to Medjugorje until an apparition site is Proven False. This ban, if it were to occur would happen after the Papal Commission renders its decision on the authenticity of the apparitions in Medjugorje which can only occur after the apparitions have ceased and the Papal Commission has made its declaration.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

If you had researched your story you'd find this "ban" never occurred and is in fact put out there to trick the uninformed.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

The USCCB is a glaring example of what "Bishops" speak for! 😀

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Apparently this bishop holds his opinion above that of the Papal Commission by his declaration of "Absolutely Diabolical". This leads the thinking individual to ask what else does this bishop speak on of his own authority instead of the Church's? The Vatican Commission has not rendered a decision yet and can't until the apparitions at Medjugorje cease yet this bishop has already formed his "Absolute …More
Apparently this bishop holds his opinion above that of the Papal Commission by his declaration of "Absolutely Diabolical". This leads the thinking individual to ask what else does this bishop speak on of his own authority instead of the Church's? The Vatican Commission has not rendered a decision yet and can't until the apparitions at Medjugorje cease yet this bishop has already formed his "Absolute" conclusion....? Very telling of the renegade & pride-filled bishop Andrea who makes his own declarations apart from the Catholic Church! Thank you Gloria for exposing this rebel and informing people of the clergy in the Church who wish to put themselves in front of Papal authority!

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Benedict XVI thought enough of Medjugorje to have a Papal Commission organized of the identical format that investigated Lourdes and Fatima to investigate Medjugorje. When the apparitons cease (which the have not) a final analysis can be done on authenticity or not of the apparitions there. The Church never gives final word as to authenticity of any apparition, Fatima and Lourdes included, until …More
Benedict XVI thought enough of Medjugorje to have a Papal Commission organized of the identical format that investigated Lourdes and Fatima to investigate Medjugorje. When the apparitons cease (which the have not) a final analysis can be done on authenticity or not of the apparitions there. The Church never gives final word as to authenticity of any apparition, Fatima and Lourdes included, until after the event has ceased. Since Medjugorje is still ongoing if you understand the Church's process in these matters, final approval will be given when the apparitions at Medjugorje have ended. Pilgrims are allowed to go to Medjugorje and every diocese in the United States has tours that go there every year. Catholics are not required to believe in Medjugorje just as Catholics are not required to believe in Lourdes and Fatima that have already been given final approval by the Church.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Karl Marx would deny Medjugorje also gdacumos so as the saying goes "For those with faith no proof is necessary and for those without faith no proof is possible." The thinking mind can comprehend that faith is needed for Medjugorje, God or anything supernatural since the supernatural cannot be proven or disproven through natural law and a scientific experiment cannot prove or disprove a miracle.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Exactly gdacumos, it is not diabolical at all and Our Lady has appeared in Medjugorje for over 30 years now! Some are blind and will remain so but those with faith ignore the faithless.