Pope Benedict links dominance of ‘homosexual marriage…abortion’ to spiritual power of ‘Anti-Christ’

May 1, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI linked the dominance of “homosexual marriage …

Católicos ex homosexuales: Francisco nos traiciona

Los católicos atraídos por el mismo sexo que viven en castidad, se sienten traicionados por el Papa Francisco y le instan a arrepentirse. Tras el …
Gesù è con noi
"El matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo proviene del Anticristo" Papa Benedicto XVIMore
"El matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo proviene del Anticristo"
Papa Benedicto XVI
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Mons. Viganó sobre las declaraciones de Francisco y las "uniones homosexuales"

Roma, 21 de octubre de 2020 – El portal Vatican News1 informa que hoy se proyectará en el Festival de Cine de Roma un …

Gay Unions: Vatican Orders Media Blackout

You are not signed in as a Premium user; we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting. Sign in or Sign up today! VATICAN CITY (…

BREAKING: Catholic youth outside Vatican ask Pope to clarify gay civil union remarks

VATICAN CITY, October 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Just a few hours ago, a group of young Catholics gathered in St. …
Cuthbert Mayne
Ah yes. The pope will now rush to clarify everything. If only they went to the correct address though....the Pope is at casa Sancta Marta, a bit of a …More
Ah yes. The pope will now rush to clarify everything.
If only they went to the correct address though....the Pope is at casa Sancta Marta, a bit of a way from the protest. And even if he were at the papal apartments in the third floor, high above the piazza, he won’t be able to read the banner as it’s held away from his window.

Invocamos a San Rafael protector del matrimonio contra la astucia demoníaca de Jorge Mario Bergoglio …

La batalla final entre el Señor y el reino de Satanás será acerca del matrimonio y de la familia
Gesù è con noi
San Rafael intercede por nosotros.

Viganò: Francisco y el lobby gay del Vaticano han aprobado de facto el pseudo-matrimonio gay

Profecías de Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso: “El sacramento del matrimonio, el que representa la unión de …
Gesù è con noi
Como comenta un usuario de Twitter Bergoglio tiene el micrófono en la manos pero MALICIOSAMENTE no ha querido confirma en la fe católica sino en la …More
Como comenta un usuario de Twitter Bergoglio tiene el micrófono en la manos pero MALICIOSAMENTE no ha querido confirma en la fe católica sino en la apostasía. Y Luego que tira la piedra esconde la mano.

Obama praises young leftists creating ‘a new normal in America’

October 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Former president Barack Obama released a video message Tuesday in support of his former vice president …
Child of Our Lady
Why should this surprise anyone? Birds of a feather...
Our Lady of Sorrows
"World Leaders planning New Lockdowns"
"World Leaders planning New Lockdowns"
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La trampa de Francisco

Más declaraciones de Viganò: (…)Jorge Mario Bergoglio intenta forzar a algunos Cardenales y Obispos a separarse de la comunión con él, obteniendo como resultado no su propia …
Gesù è con noi

Vatican Renews 'Deal With the Devil'

You are not signed in as a Premium user; we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting. Sign in or Sign up today! VATICAN CITY ( - …


Nothing surprises anymore. Nothing emanating from the corrupted and darkened intellect of this evil and monstrous man, this …
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio's heretical opinion in which he supports the civil union between homosexuals is not 'private' but public, notorious and stubborn. At the end …More
Bergoglio's heretical opinion in which he supports the civil union between homosexuals is not 'private' but public, notorious and stubborn.
At the end of 2017, Bergoglio had already taken a similar position in an interview book published by the French sociologist Dominique Wolton, entitled "Politics and Society."
"Marriage is the union of a man with a woman. This is the precise term. Let us call the unions of the same sex 'civil union'," Bergoglio said then. Wolton states that "" Francis has not put any condition, he did not do me any censorship. He only asked me to omit the name of an Argentine homosexuals couple so that they would not be known."
Bergoglio does not publicly profess the Catholic faith but challenges Catholic morality. Bergoglio are in schism against Peter and all the popes of the Catholic Church therefore Bergoglio is a schismatic, apostate and heretic.
Gesù è con noi
Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times “The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be …More
Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times
“The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and profaned. Masonry, then reigning, will implement iniquitous laws aimed at extinguishing this sacrament".
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F M Shyanguya you shall not bear false witness

Gesù è con noi
Hermanos católicos tengan cuidado con este cuenta difamadora @F M Shyanguya
Gesù è con noi
This article is malicious and libelous

How Satan destroys God’s creation through abortion and homosexuality

Join Cardinal Burke's call for the Consecration of Russia. Sign the petition! Editor’s note: Cardinal Caffarra gave this talk at the …

New ad hits Biden for supporting sex changes for 8-yr-olds: ‘What won’t he support?’

'In Joe Biden’s view, a child too young to go see an Avengers film can decide to have his or her body permanently …
Gesù è con noi

Trump favorece los sacramentos en los hospitales

Trump favorece los sacramentos en los hospitales Trump interviene en nombre de los pacientes a los que se les niegan …
Gesù è con noi

Cdl. Burke: Francis’ homosexual civil union remarks ‘contrary’ to Scripture, Tradition

“The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and …

Todos los Papas de la Iglesia han condenado la homosexualidad y las uniones homosexuales

Bergoglio contradice la Posición Oficial de la Iglesia católica “La Iglesia enseña que el respeto hacia las personas homosexuales no puede en modo alguno llevar a la aprobación del comportamiento …More
Bergoglio contradice la Posición Oficial de la Iglesia católica
“La Iglesia enseña que el respeto hacia las personas homosexuales no puede en modo alguno llevar a la aprobación del comportamiento homosexual ni a la legalización de las uniones homosexuales”, “El bien común exige que las leyes reconozcan, favorezcan y protejan la unión matrimonial como base de la familia, célula primaria de la sociedad. Reconocer legalmente las uniones homosexuales o equipararlas al matrimonio, significaría no solamente aprobar un comportamiento desviado y convertirlo en un modelo para la sociedad actual, sino también ofuscar valores fundamentales que pertenecen al patrimonio común de la humanidad. La Iglesia no puede dejar de defender tales valores, para el bien de los hombres y de toda la sociedad”,…0731_homosexual-unions_sp.html
Gesù è con noi
La Posición Oficial de la Iglesia condena las Uniones homosexuales: La Iglesia enseña que el respeto hacia las personas homosexuales no puede en modo …More
La Posición Oficial de la Iglesia condena las Uniones homosexuales: La Iglesia enseña que el respeto hacia las personas homosexuales no puede en modo alguno llevar a la aprobación del comportamiento homosexual ni a la legalización de las uniones homosexuales.

Bergoglio desafía descaradamente el Magisterio sobre homosexualidad

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO - En un desafío descarnado y sin precedentes a las enseñanzas católicas, que definen los actos homosexuales como …
Gesù è con noi
El heresiarca Bergoglio: “La gran mayoría de los matrimonios sacramentales son nulos”, y que algunas parejas que cohabitan están en un "matrimonio …More
El heresiarca Bergoglio:
“La gran mayoría de los matrimonios sacramentales son nulos”,
y que algunas parejas que cohabitan están en un "matrimonio real", que recibe la gracia del Sacramento.
"He visto un montón de fidelidad en estas convivencias, y estoy seguro de que este es un matrimonio de verdad, que tienen la gracia de un matrimonio real a causa de su fidelidad," él dijo.
Pobre Judas!
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Pope Francis Formally Cooperates With The Mortal Sin Of Homosexual Perversions

His remarks were made in a documentary on his life that released earlier today, according to Catholic News Agency . He is …
Let's stop the satanic Black Mass together…-black-mass-at-official-venue/
Gesù è con noi
Don´t Forget Apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio AKA Francis interview book with Dominique Wolton also said that he allows homosexual 'civil union' & to …More
Don´t Forget Apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio AKA Francis interview book with Dominique Wolton also said that he allows homosexual 'civil union' & to the question: "What is the main sin? his answer was: 'Everything that is below the waist is the least of it, and if a priest asks you why, with whom ?, or how? ... take that priest to a psychologist' "

Apostasy: Bergoglio promotes the vice of homosexuality . He openly challenging God and the Church

Bergoglio challenges God and the teachings of the Catholic Church Romans 1:32 Although they know God's …
Gesù è con noi
April 22, 1823 “I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, …More
April 22, 1823
“I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange, and extravagant church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics sects of every description. Such was to be the new church…But God had other designs…”
“I see that when the Second Coming of Christ approaches, a bad priest will do much harm to the Church. When the time of the reign of Antichrist is near, a false religion will appear which will be opposed to the unity of God and His Church. This will cause the greatest schism the world has ever known. The nearer the time of the end, the more the darkness of Satan will spread on earth, the greater will be the number of the children of corruption, and the number of the just will correspondingly diminish…”
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Prophecy
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