Welcome on You want to know the faces behind Here you get a short introduction from Doina Buzut.More
Welcome on
You want to know the faces behind Here you get a short introduction from Doina Buzut.
😇 👏 😘 😉
I pray for more Catholic music, both liturgical and other kinds on this wonderful channel. Also some social commentary. And thank you for showing Mass abuses too.More

I pray for more Catholic music, both liturgical and other kinds on this wonderful channel. Also some social commentary. And thank you for showing Mass abuses too.
Maria Magdalena
She's great!
And she's also got a really brilliant charisma and a unbelievably positive aura....
👏 What a BLESSED thing this website is! As a layperson, I have utilize these video's to educate myself and my family.
We can use them to educate others (we are using them on our apostolate website )
We need to turn our hearts, minds and souls back to the ONE TRUE FAITH! We need to help others do so, too!
I love their little reminder "The More Catholic The Better!'
Let …More
👏 What a BLESSED thing this website is! As a layperson, I have utilize these video's to educate myself and my family.

We can use them to educate others (we are using them on our apostolate website )

We need to turn our hearts, minds and souls back to the ONE TRUE FAITH! We need to help others do so, too!

I love their little reminder "The More Catholic The Better!'

Let us not be "lukewarm", but share this website and these video's with others!

God bless!
😇 ✍️ 🤨 🙏 ☕ Monday, September 1, 2008
Priesthood - Orders - & Scandals "Suggestions"
It is very sad to hear about our "so-called" Champions in faith, and "Directors of faith!" fall into such very scandalous ordeals.
Yet, to be bluntantly direct, where all right manner of speaking is due.
Please... May I remind you that the vocation for the Holy Order is not that to be taken lightly.
Yet for …More
😇 ✍️ 🤨 🙏 ☕ Monday, September 1, 2008
Priesthood - Orders - & Scandals "Suggestions"
It is very sad to hear about our "so-called" Champions in faith, and "Directors of faith!" fall into such very scandalous ordeals.

Yet, to be bluntantly direct, where all right manner of speaking is due.

Please... May I remind you that the vocation for the Holy Order is not that to be taken lightly.

Yet for the sure amount of money or fame or sheer number of recruits... the religious organization has grieveously accepted "members or recruits" without delving or digging deeper into the backgrounds or profiles of this so called "Members of the Higher Order"

What I mean to say, the rigid "rigid test". "rigid trainning" into the religious cornerstone has been removed. They have been willing to "cut corners" so as to speak so that the square peg may fit into the round hole of religiousity. They have been lax. (More priest or order are mostly on the meriment instead of the gloomy life. They live out more confortably now than ever before than their predecessors.) {It has been out of comfort, instead of a necessity}

Ask about the life and times of saints... about religious personal sacrifices - life of the saints in order to merit holiness... Mostly of this recruits and postulants and ordained lack the very discipline and training since early childhood for a life of higher religious order and works.

Some of them specially those young novices, postulants, or entering the seminary live out comfortably in the sense, "They lack the proper trainning for the physical and spiritual warfare that lies ahead" just what do we mean... Ever hardly have they ever read many books about life of the Saints and immersed themselves wholly "as a whole" into their life and times. Even their faith and about the bible and the words and messages. They hardly unable or uncapable of explaining and expounding in it's meanings.

Thus, the enemy indeed is, devil, world and the flesh.
Thus, what comes natural, they easily fall prey to the enticements of the evil one, world and specially of the flesh. Out there specially where the whims of the "media" "so-called modern world, which is degenerative or lost generation".

I'm appalled why such delving into the religious orders, I've heard drinking hard liquor, smoking, watching shows unbecoming whether in media or whatever.
That, is why they have become easy prey and targets from the media, the enemy and many other critics.

Recommendation: There must be a re-education of recruits specially the sacritis - sacritans even those contemplating in entering the religious postulancy-order. Even the head master or prior must be re-educated and re-evaluated. Even ordained or pre-ordained or already in the religious order, there must be a follow-up and checkup of religious and non-religious activities. Thus a general retreat and re-examination and self examination. Thus, enabling them to be better prepared to "combat" or "Flight" and much more avoid such scandals.

Recommeded Readings-Meditations:

Revelations of St. Bridgett
Sadhu Sundar Sighn At the Masters Feet
Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis
Meditation of the Life Christ Henry Seuse
Meditations of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Dark Night of the Soul by St John of the Cross
Life of the Saints
Posted by Path_Finder at 7:59 AM
I like the music as well; very child-like, as we are all called to be.
Praised be Jesus Christ!
p.s. pray for us who are in the journey of entering the Carthusian Order ✍️More
Praised be Jesus Christ!

p.s. pray for us who are in the journey of entering the Carthusian Order ✍️
Praised be Jesus Christ
It's great you have made this site and to share such wonderful information
God Bless You 😇More
Praised be Jesus Christ

It's great you have made this site and to share such wonderful information

God Bless You 😇
Keith B.
Beten wäre wichtiger, liebe Doina. Kannst Du darüber auch mal was in die Kamera flirten. 🙏
Tank you very much for the welcome, you're greath. 👌
Hallo, Grüezi und Vielen Dank!.
Praise be Jesus Christ!
God bless you for this website! We need more websites like this.
Peace & Love in Christ.
Praise be Jesus Christ!

God bless you for this website! We need more websites like this.

Peace & Love in Christ.
You are a blessing from God. Thank you for this endeavor.
God Bless You all!
I am so thankful for this site..I have learned so much already!
Wonderful!! The more Catholic stuff out here in the internet, the better!! Wishing you all the best in your success with the site! 😇
A wonderful site; thank you!
Would you consider adding an RSS feed of all new videos to the site?More
A wonderful site; thank you!

Would you consider adding an RSS feed of all new videos to the site?
Just Beautiful! God Bless you all for this beautiful site!