Il cardinale Sepe e le dimissioni del Papa. Benedetto XVI lascia il pontificatoMore
Il cardinale Sepe e le dimissioni del Papa.
Benedetto XVI lascia il pontificato
Fulmine colpisce San Pietro: resignment the Pope: Flash hits St.Peters
New Year of Faith. The New Year means New Changes.More
New Year of Faith.
The New Year means New Changes.
Catholic New Roundup 01-02-2012 Today's stories - - Same Sex Marriage In Maryland - Judge Playing Domino's - Court Condemns Commandment - Papal Embassy Stormed - Holiday Hate CrimesMore
Catholic New Roundup 01-02-2012
Today's stories -
- Same Sex Marriage In Maryland
- Judge Playing Domino's
- Court Condemns Commandment
- Papal Embassy Stormed
- Holiday Hate Crimes
Colinde-Asta-i seara de Craciun-Ancuta Anghel. Colinde-Asta-i seara de Craciun-Ancuta AnghelMore
Colinde-Asta-i seara de Craciun-Ancuta Anghel.
Colinde-Asta-i seara de Craciun-Ancuta Anghel
Florile Dalbe. colinde , craciunMore
Florile Dalbe.
colinde , craciun
Colinde-Pe strada din Viflaim-Puiu Codreanu. puiu codreanu pe strada din viflaim folclorMore
Colinde-Pe strada din Viflaim-Puiu Codreanu.
puiu codreanu
pe strada din viflaim
👏 👏 👏
Fr. Joe Bayne OFM Conv., Fire Chaplain at Ground Zero, remembers. Fr. Joe Bayne, priest from the Diocese of Buffalo and fire chaplain at Ground Zero, speaks on the anniversary of 9/11.More
Fr. Joe Bayne OFM Conv., Fire Chaplain at Ground Zero, remembers.
Fr. Joe Bayne, priest from the Diocese of Buffalo and fire chaplain at Ground Zero, speaks on the anniversary of 9/11.
Catholic High School student stands up against teacher who denies Resurrection. Francesca, a Grade 12 student at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin in North Bay, Ontario, explains how her teacher …More
Catholic High School student stands up against teacher who denies Resurrection.
Francesca, a Grade 12 student at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin in North Bay, Ontario, explains how her teacher at a Catholic High School denied the fundamental Catholic teaching of Jesus' Resurrection, despite Church teaching, Biblical references, and the school's mission statement.
Defend your Catholic faith, is the most precious gift that God has given him. 👏 👍 🤗
Que linda, la felicito 👏
3 more comments
Christophe de Voise, conductor/composer. Ave Maria from the first act of opera " Non omnis moriar" Anna Pioterczak - sopranoMore
Christophe de Voise, conductor/composer.
Ave Maria from the first act of opera " Non omnis moriar"
Anna Pioterczak - soprano
Premature Twins Overcome Odds. Fewer than 1% of all babies in this country are born before 28-weeks of gestation. But an Odessa family has experienced a two-year roller coaster of emotions, after their …More
Premature Twins Overcome Odds.
Fewer than 1% of all babies in this country are born before 28-weeks of gestation.
But an Odessa family has experienced a two-year roller coaster of emotions, after their twin daughters were born pre-mature.
Kaitlyn and Kynadi Lee are all dolled up and ready for their big day at "school."
It's actually a therapy session at the Permian Basin Rehab Center, where the girls work hard twice a week.
The 17-month old twins have come a long way.
Born at just 26-weeks, each weighing about two pounds, their start in life can only be described as traumatic.
Mom Courtney Lee says, "The doctors in Houston told me they were both going to be vegetables and I wouldn't be able to take care of them. He even said we could go to Europe and get an abortion." But Courtney and her husband Matt had faith. And they believed these girls were something special. "The whole time they were kicking me and keeping me awake. So I didn't think anything could be wrong. I think the power of …More
The Nuns - Chant From Avignon. Sisters from a closed order dating back to 6th century have recorded a new album of Gregorian chant.More
The Nuns - Chant From Avignon.
Sisters from a closed order dating back to 6th century have recorded a new album of Gregorian chant.
Pope's condom use comment seen as 'positive' "The Light of the World"More
Pope's condom use comment seen as 'positive'
"The Light of the World"
holyrope 3
Unreal. Playing the Pope for a fool. But, the people don't know any better...What is wrong with people...they want the Church to change truths that have …More
Unreal. Playing the Pope for a fool. But, the people don't know any better...What is wrong with people...they want the Church to change truths that have always been, rather than stating the real facts of why people are getting AIDS, and what changes they need to make! How about living good moral lives for starters.
Holy Cannoli
Despite the temptation to have friends see me on TV, I have a personal unwritten rule that has served me well with respect to the media. Avoid them. …More
Despite the temptation to have friends see me on TV, I have a personal unwritten rule that has served me well with respect to the media. Avoid them. They will seem to be deeply interested in you, their eyes fixed, video camera recording, all the while appearing to be astounded at your brilliant insights. It's a ploy. After they edit, you will either be made to look like a fool or you will do it on your own. Exhibit A is this video.
100-летие со дня рождения Матери Терезы. "Ангел из Калькутты, помогающий с неба" именно такой многие запомнили католическую подвижницу, …More
100-летие со дня рождения Матери Терезы.
"Ангел из Калькутты, помогающий с неба" именно такой многие запомнили католическую подвижницу, основательницу Ордена Милосердия, которая прославилась самоотверженным служением бедным и нуждающимся.
Мать Тереза, в миру Агнес Гонджа Бояджиу, родилась 26 августа 1910 года в македонском городе Скопье. В 1931 году принимает постриг в ордене "Ирландские сестры Лорето" и получает имя Тереза, в честь святой Терезы из Лизьё. В конце пятидесятых она основывает в Калькутте общину Ордена милосердия, деятельность которой направляется на создание школ, приютов, больниц для бедных и тяжелобольных людей, независимо от их национальности и вероисповедания. С 1965 года деятельность Ордена милосердия переступает границы Индии, в настоящее время он имеет 400 отделений в 111 странах мира и 700 домов милосердия в 120 странах.
Сегодня мир отмечает 100-летие со дня рождения Матери Терезы Калькуттской. Этот юбилей не обошли вниманием и в России, где также трудятся Миссионерки …More
🤨 🙏 😉
Вечные обеты сестры Марии Терезы Черенковой. 5 сентября в Кафедральном соборе Преображения Господня в Новосибирске приносит вечные обеты сестра …More
Вечные обеты сестры Марии Терезы Черенковой.
5 сентября в Кафедральном соборе Преображения Господня в Новосибирске приносит вечные обеты сестра Мария Тереза Черенкова из конгрегации сестёр святой Елизаветы.
Конгрегация была основана в середине 19 века и с тех пор до сего дня служит бедным, больным и немощным людям, сестры этого ордена работают как медсестры, катехисты, воспитатели в приходах. В Новосибирске на попечении сестёр этой конгрегации находится детский приют «дом св.Николая».
Торжественную мессу возглавил монсеньёр Анджей Стецкевич, прибывший из Минска, с приветственным словом в проповеди к сестрам и общине обращается отец Генрик Левандовский, духовный наставник сестры Марии Терезы, прибывший из Польши.
Papa în Scoţia întâlnit de Regina Elizaveta. 16 septembrie 2010More
Papa în Scoţia întâlnit de Regina Elizaveta.
16 septembrie 2010
Before the Queen, Pope stresses the danger of a society without God. Queen Elizabeth II cordially greeted Pope Benedict XVI, beginning his 4 day visit to the UK. He was received by the Queen and her …More
Before the Queen, Pope stresses the danger of a society without God.
Queen Elizabeth II cordially greeted Pope Benedict XVI, beginning his 4 day visit to the UK. He was received by the Queen and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, in the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Balmoral.
Pope on sex abuse cases: "We weren't vigilant, quick and decisive enough in taking necessary … September 16, 2010. Benedict XVI expressed during his flight to the UK that revelations of sex abuse were …More
Pope on sex abuse cases: "We weren't vigilant, quick and decisive enough in taking necessary …
September 16, 2010. Benedict XVI expressed during his flight to the UK that revelations of sex abuse were for him “a shock and a cause for great sadness.”
The Pope said that he does not understand how a person who has committed his life to God can fall into such perversion. For the first time, the Pope acknowledged that the action of the Church in response to clerical abuse has been neither quick nor vigilant.
Benedict XVI
“It is a great sadness. It is sad, also, that the Church authorities were not vigilant enough, were not sufficiently quick and decisive in taking the necessary measures.”
The Pope continued asserting that what is most important is helping victims to heal and recover their lives.
Benedict XVI
"What is most important are the victims, what we can do to protect them, what we can do to help these persons overcome this trauma, to restore their life, and also to restore their trust …More
Reflection on Cardinal Newman's Beatification. by Fr. Thomas RosicaMore
Reflection on Cardinal Newman's Beatification.
by Fr. Thomas Rosica
Holy Cannoli
Excellent. Great photos/paintings and Fr. Rosica gives a very polished and comprehensive review of Blessed Cardinal Newman's life. Cor ad cor loquitur,More
Great photos/paintings and Fr. Rosica gives a very polished and comprehensive review of Blessed Cardinal Newman's life.
Cor ad cor loquitur, indeed.
Carmen + Poppuri. Ensemble "Concertino". Moldova.More
Carmen + Poppuri.
Ensemble "Concertino".
J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D-moll. Ensemble "Concertino". MoldovaMore
J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D-moll.
Ensemble "Concertino".
Die sogn. "Allerweltstoccata" einmal ganz anders und doch überaus beeindruckend. Danke!
Wonderful! Never heard this toccat performed with accordion before.