Heresies and Schisms Are an Expression of the Holy Ghost for Francis?

Welby to Francis: "Female Bishops Don't Separate Us"

Welby did not address the question as to why the Church of England, if she is interested in ecumenism and Christian unity, decided in 2014 for such a serious split that clearly leads away goal of unity. If "women bishops" do not separate, then what does?
Assuming, however, taking the words of Francis in Caserta at hand, provided the Francis statements are not to be denied in the next few hours by no less than Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi, the situation of separated Christianity would be quite different. Accordingly, divisions, schisms and schisms of schisms are not a result of errors, heresies and human failings, but a fruit of the Holy Spirit. An official announcement of the Francis address has not been made by the Vatican and should not be done either, since it was a "private visit". [Since this was written, it has been made public.] So, once more the speculation floodgates are opened because it is a "private" teaching alongside the oficial Francis teaching that seems authentic and especially since it's public exerts a far greater influence.
The statement is a bomb of such magnitude to the Catholic Church, which has survived hundreds of the toughest battles against heretics and schismatics, including the Protestant "Reformation" will blow in the air after two thousand years. Is the Holy Spirit as far as Francis is concerned, a juggler, who makes fun of the truth and the people?…/heresies-and-sc…