"O Sons and Daughters" - “O fílii et fíliæ”, Marian hymn for Easter, by Jean Tisserand († 1497) - Related: 1. Regina Caeli Compline Solemn - Gregorian chant not… - 2. The beautiful chant of the …More
"O Sons and Daughters" - “O fílii et fíliæ”, Marian hymn for Easter, by Jean Tisserand († 1497) - Related: 1. Regina Caeli Compline Solemn - Gregorian chant not… - 2. The beautiful chant of the Easter Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes - Related: 1. "O Filii et … - 3. Amazing Grace - Rhema Marvanne - 4. "Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia!" - Versión en español del tradicional Regina Coeli ("Regina … - 5. "Because He Lives" - Celtic Worship - Related: 1. "O Filii et Filiæ" - May the Child Jesus be born … - 6. Himno “O fílii et fíliæ” - Jean Tisserand († 1497). - 7. "Regina Caeli" - Antífona mariana que se reza dura… - 8. REGINA CAELI - Regina cœli, lætare, quia quem meruisti portare, - Source: O Sons and Daughters (Latin)

Latin text

1. O filii et filiae,
Rex caelestis, Rex gloriae,
morte surrexit hodie, alleluia.

2. Et mane prima sabbati,
ad ostium monumenti
accesserunt discipuli, alleluia.

3. Et Maria Magdalene,
et Jacobi, et Salome,
venerunt corpus ungere, alleluia.

4. In albis sedens Angelus,
praedixit mulieribus:
in Galilaea est Dominus, alleluia.

5. Et Joannes Apostolus
cucurrit Petro citius,
monumento venit prius, alleluia.

6. Discipu lis adstantibus,
in medio stetit Christus,
dicens: Pax vobis omnibus, alleluia.

7. Ut intellexit Didymus,
quia surrexerat Jesus,
remansit fere dubius, alleluia.

8. Vide, Thoma, vide latus,
vide pedes, vide manus,
noli esse incredulus, alleluia.

9. Quando Thomas Christi latus,
pedes vidit atque manus,
Dixit: Tu es Deus meus, alleluia.

10. Beati qui non viderunt,
Et firmiter crediderunt,
vitam aeternam habebunt, alleluia.

11. In hoc festo sanctissimo
sit laus et jubilatio,
benedicamus Domino, alleluia.

12. De quibus nos humillimas
devotas atque debitas

English translation

1. O sons and daughters of the King,
Whom heavenly hosts in glory sing,
Today the grave has lost its sting! Alleluia!

2. That Easter morn, at break of day,
The faithful women went their way
To seek the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia!

3. And Mary Magdalene,
And James, and Salome,
Came to anoint the body, Alleluia!

4. An angel clad in white they see,
Who sits and speaks unto the three,
"Your Lord will go to Galilee." Alleluia!

5. And the Apostle John
Quickly outran Peter,
And arrived first at the tomb, alleluia.

6. That night the apostles met in fear;
Among them came their master dear
And said, "My peace be with you here." Alleluia!

7. When Thomas first the tidings heard
That they had seen the risen Lord,
He doubted the disciples’ word. Alleluia!

8. "My pierced side, O Thomas, see,
And look upon my hands, my feet;
Not faithless but believing be." Alleluia!

9. No longer Thomas then denied;
He saw the feet, the hands, the side;
"You are my Lord and God!" he cried. Alleluia!

10. How blest are they who have not seen
And yet whose faith has constant been,
For they eternal life shall win. Alleluia!

11. On this most holy day of days
Be laud and jubilee and praise:
To God your hearts and voice raise. Alleluia!

12. For which we humbly
dedicated and duly
Give thanks, Alleluia.

Source: O filii et filiae - ChoralWiki
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De Profundis
We must empty purgatory with our prayers - Padre Pio