Quo Primum
Fr. Isaac: say NO to fake vaccine. Lenten mission Ridgefield CT 2023 lent mission 2023 Fr. Isaac RelyeaMore
Fr. Isaac: say NO to fake vaccine.

Lenten mission Ridgefield CT 2023

lent mission 2023 Fr. Isaac Relyea
Damian Keller
He's absolutely correct as there are so many Commandments that are violated. It is already admitted that aborted fetal tissue is used in vaccine and other medications' development. Where did they get human RNA? Abortion IS the "high black mass" in that the innocent are sacrificed, within the temple that God created, to the false idols of this world.
I did not "defame" anyone. I stated and I repeat that condemning the vaccine from a practical/medical standpoint is not a priest's job. That is exactly the ENTIRE content of the posted video. His job is to condemn the immorality of the vaccine, and that he FAILED TO DO. Maybe three years ago he did, but that was never the issue here. It is not my job to research the hundreds of statements that this …More
I did not "defame" anyone. I stated and I repeat that condemning the vaccine from a practical/medical standpoint is not a priest's job. That is exactly the ENTIRE content of the posted video. His job is to condemn the immorality of the vaccine, and that he FAILED TO DO. Maybe three years ago he did, but that was never the issue here. It is not my job to research the hundreds of statements that this ALLEGED priest has ever made. I commented on the PUBLISHED VIDEO HERE and my point is inarguable. And if he made an entire video without mentioning the grievous sins committed in creating and accepting this poison by the entire leadership of the Catholic Church AND BY HIMSELF, then his priorities are radically askew and he is not acting as a "good" priest. How would you label a person who twists the facts and then calls someone else a disgrace?
Damian Keller
Condemning it when it is developed using aborted fetal tissue is, however. As was already shown un Project Veritas reports from whistleblowers and the subsequent admission by administrative officials in healthcare that denied religious exemptions to healthcare workers. It is also a well established fact that the NIH grants fund development of many vaccines and medications using aborted fetal tissue …More
Condemning it when it is developed using aborted fetal tissue is, however. As was already shown un Project Veritas reports from whistleblowers and the subsequent admission by administrative officials in healthcare that denied religious exemptions to healthcare workers. It is also a well established fact that the NIH grants fund development of many vaccines and medications using aborted fetal tissue. Therefore, Fr Relyea is absolutely right to condemn it based upon violating the 5th, 7th and 1th Commandments in particular with others also in cnsideration.

for consideration.
All the information was available when the Pope was pushing the "vaccine." Didn't hear much from dissenting priests then.
Child of Our Lady
Fr. Isaac has been telling it like it is for years. From the truths of the Catholic faith to the vaccine, he has not been afraid to call an evil evil. If you didn't hear it, that's a you problem because you weren't listening.
I just watched his video on the vaccine. He only addressed it from a safety and effectiveness perspective. He said not a single word about the MORAL aspects of taking the vaccine. Maybe it's you who weren't listening.
Yea, too bad he didn't say "Say no to vaccine laced with dead babies." He'd be way more credible.
Bravo. He's a very straight speaker. God bless you Father.