Pilgrim Accomodations. This whole side that you see is set up and managed by the staff in the Catholic education office. It's a big facility-- about 14 or 15 thousand will be sleeping here right up to …More
Pilgrim Accomodations.

This whole side that you see is set up and managed by the staff in the Catholic education office. It's a big facility-- about 14 or 15 thousand will be sleeping here right up to when the World Youth Day starts and then the week after when the people are finished and tired and perhaps almost ready to go home they'll head back here and we'll house another 14 to 15 thousand.

Yes, as you can see it's pretty much a big barn. It sleeps about two and a half thousand people and we've got 4 or 5 or 6 others similar to it. Essentially people coming here are assigned their spot and this is it, this is where it all happens. The environment is pretty cool as you can see. It's a fantastic environment. It's pretty quiet here at the moment but when everyone gets back from dinner and from where they're off to in the evening the place will have a lot of music, sound, and dance. It's just really inspirational.

You had to order them. And everyone who required a bed did. And they had to bring them all the way over and they weigh about two and a half kilos I think, so they're quite heavy