Francis Condemns Himself: "Conservativism [of the 60s] Is Completely Suicidal Attitude"

Norah O'Donell of CBS News asked Francis during an interview that will be published in full next Sunday: "There are conservative bishops in the United States who oppose your new efforts to revisit teachings and traditions. How do you respond to their criticism?"

Francis: "They use this adjective 'conservative' [belittling smile]. A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude. Because it is one thing to consider tradition, to consider situations from the past. It is quite another to be locked up in a dogmatic box."

No Pope has lived so much in a "dogmatic box" as Francis, who runs after every ideology of the bygone 1960s, and indeed: this conservatism is suicidal for the Church and its disastrous results are visible to everybody.


la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is 100% apostate and schismatic.
I think Dante would be conflicted between placing him in 6th, 8th, or 9th circles below.
Dr Bobus
Francis is certainly interested in conserving the vapid Jesuit slogans of the 1970s. His papacy has reminded me why the Jesuits are dying.
Bichop Vigano says Bergoglio is right abous conservatisme
Bishop Vigano says Bergoglio is right about conser…
Tony M
Scandalously pumping out heresy on heresy....on idol worshipping (pachamama)......with some blasphemies thrown in .... over the last 11 years from the Chair of Peter.....for billions of people in the Church & world to see and spiritual suicide....with eternal consequences if he doesn't repent!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
Shut up!!! Crazy Old man!!!! have always stupid things....if, if you want protect to our Orthodox must, must have actions to wrong German Bishops, Belgium Bishops...all wrong Cardinals, Bishops...but you don't have actions to them!! you praise to them!!!! above and wrong man Cardinal Fernandez wrote to Fiducia supplicans!!! our Orthodox Teachings can't blessing to …More
Shut up!!! Crazy Old man!!!! have always stupid things....if, if you want protect to our Orthodox must, must have actions to wrong German Bishops, Belgium Bishops...all wrong Cardinals, Bishops...but you don't have actions to them!! you praise to them!!!! above and wrong man Cardinal Fernandez wrote to Fiducia supplicans!!! our Orthodox Teachings can't blessing to same sex couple!!! Pope John Paul II Said too!!! Catholic People and Christian People are must, must against to same sex union!!!! Holy Fahter Pope Benedict XVI said same things!!! but Bergoglio and all Bergoglian destroying to our Orthodox horrible....they said to many area of African Churches, and all Orthodox area.....have to merciful mind....jajajaja....What?! Merciful Mind?! Who the hell are you to talk about Merciful mind?! You praise and approve of those who blatantly destroy the Orthodox Church, but you take ridiculous steps to remove or otherwise retaliate against cardinals, bishops, priests, religious, and all other members of the Church who speak out in defense of the Orthodox teachings!!! You virtually shut down the celebration of our precious Traditional Latin Mass!!! Who are you to talk about hearts of mercy! You disgusting Pharisees!!! Bergoglio and your followers!!! Please know that you are the Pharisees that our Lord Jesus Christ hated the most! If you are not Pharisees, who are you to talk about tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect when you are not only not practicing any of it, but oppressing those who defend the Orthodox Faith! going to hell!!! Tucho!! Bergoglio, all Bergoglian!!!!
Mary Louise Veritas
He has really gone off the deep end. Who made him a bishop? And a cardinal?
Aaron Aukema
He was selected to be a bishop by JPII, despite the warnings of the Jesuit superior, and he was elevated to Cardinal by JPII...despite warnings by his fellow Argentine bishops. He is, in many respects, the logical conclusion of JPII (especially his treatment of pagans, heretics, and Jews).
Patricia McKeever
@Aaron Aukema
Thank you for highlighting the fact that but for Pope John Paul II (and later Benedict XVI) we would not be suffering this horrendous pontificate. To differing degrees, those two pontiffs laid the groundwork for Francis' demolition work, now ongoing.