Matthew Porcelli
Matthew Porcelli

Gloria.TV News on the 21st of February 2017

What does traditional Catholicism teach about defamation, slander, or libel? About spreading unconfirmed rumors/gossip?
Matthew Porcelli

A Missa Pré-Balada da Arquidiocese de Maringá, PR

A "VATICAN II MOMENT"!!!!!!! This ignorant war against VII by those who havent even read the documents must end now. Recognize the honor due to an Ecumenical Council & the Magisterium & stop listening to ultra-traditionalist false prophets. There are those on the extreme left and those on the extreme right, both are equally wrong!
Matthew Porcelli

Gregorio Allegri - Miserere Mei - Cappella Nicolai

What in the world kind of Church is this? And is that sheet of glass on stilts supposed to be the Altar???
Matthew Porcelli

Auch im Novus Ordo gibt es Regeln!

Es heißt die gewöhnliche Form des römischen Ritus.
Matthew Porcelli

Solemn Mass (Novus Ordo) 2/3 Solemn Novus Ordo Mass with Gregorian Chant Ordianry at the Catholic …

Its called "The Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite".
Matthew Porcelli

Novus Ordo in München. Neue Messe in St. Peter, München Video von catechumen08 (youtube)

Its called "The Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite".
Matthew Porcelli

Most Novus Ordo... Liturgical dance created by Jennifer Shaw

Another deviation from the holy & orthodox Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite!