Gloria.TV News on the 19th of December 2016 Positive Wave? Anne Hidalgo, the Socialist mayor of Paris who is an atheist, has received a letter from Pope Francis in which Francis thanks her for her …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of December 2016
Positive Wave? Anne Hidalgo, the Socialist mayor of Paris who is an atheist, has received a letter from Pope Francis in which Francis thanks her for her participation in a meeting in the Vatican. The letter concludes: "I kindly ask you to pray for me, or to think well about me and to send me a positive wave." Fair: Cardinal Raffaele Martino has become the eighth cardinal who joins the doubts against the controversial document, Amoris Laetitia. On Friday he said to lafedequotidiana.it about the dubia: “It is lawful in terms of doctrine to address a question to the Pope and it is also fair for the Pope to respond.” Ungrateful: Last Thursday Pope Francis expressed his visible anger while receiving members of the children’s hospital, Bambino Gesù, in the Aula Nervi. The reason: Behind Francis were the chairs and music stands for a concert that would take place two days later. Francis said: “Forgive me because this is not a proper way to receive …More
Angie W. and one more user link to this post
Holy Cannoli
When will you affirm what I affirm and then post it on these non Christian websites?
Never. Your obsession is not my obsession. There are many, many more pressing issues than EENS currently affecting the Catholic Church. My interests here are Catholicism and Catholics. Your interest is in one thing and one thing only and impugning others (including popes, Cardinals, bishops, priests and Catholic …More
When will you affirm what I affirm and then post it on these non Christian websites?

Never. Your obsession is not my obsession. There are many, many more pressing issues than EENS currently affecting the Catholic Church. My interests here are Catholicism and Catholics. Your interest is in one thing and one thing only and impugning others (including popes, Cardinals, bishops, priests and Catholic journalists) who do not share your view. That's why you are obsessed and terribly boring.

You could start by posting under your real name?

That cannot happen. I will only say that I am part of the witness protection program. I have a new identity and will live out the rest of my life under government protection. In addition, I am armed and licensed to concealed carry.
Lionel L. Andrades
Start with our "elder brothers in the faith." The eternally damned Jews.
I have proclaimed it on their websites and so also with the Muslims.I have been doing this for quite some years.
Just like you they do not believe it is the teaching of the Catholic Church.
You reject Vatican Council II. I accept it.
You interpret the Council as a break with Tradition. I do not .
Your problem is common in the …
Start with our "elder brothers in the faith." The eternally damned Jews.
I have proclaimed it on their websites and so also with the Muslims.I have been doing this for quite some years.
Just like you they do not believe it is the teaching of the Catholic Church.
You reject Vatican Council II. I accept it.
You interpret the Council as a break with Tradition. I do not .
Your problem is common in the Church. So here I am writing about it.
When will you affirm what I affirm and then post it on these non Christian websites?
You could start by posting under your real name?
Holy Cannoli
Writing is not doing. If you were honest in your beliefs, those beliefs would compel you to “save the damned.” But, you don't do it. You would prefer to waste time on the internet accomplishing little or NOTHING.
You say non-Catholics are going to hell. Do something about it or you are nothing more than a “clanging cymbal” who is all talk but does absolutely nothing to back it up. You are a fraud …More
Writing is not doing. If you were honest in your beliefs, those beliefs would compel you to “save the damned.” But, you don't do it. You would prefer to waste time on the internet accomplishing little or NOTHING.

You say non-Catholics are going to hell. Do something about it or you are nothing more than a “clanging cymbal” who is all talk but does absolutely nothing to back it up. You are a fraud, a fake, a charlatan, a pretender. If you actually meant what you write, then you must go and save the damned non-Catholics.

Start with our "elder brothers in the faith." The eternally damned Jews.
Lionel L. Andrades
Another Arrivederci with no Church- citations to support your claim that you are a Catholic.You don't write another your name. You could be posting from Tel Avive or some ADL office in the USA.
You also believe that water baptism is enough for salvation. So your possibly a Protestant, who knows ? .I hope someone at Gloria TV knows you personally.

'We are …More
Another Arrivederci with no Church- citations to support your claim that you are a Catholic.You don't write another your name. You could be posting from Tel Avive or some ADL office in the USA.
You also believe that water baptism is enough for salvation. So your possibly a Protestant, who knows ? .I hope someone at Gloria TV knows you personally.

'We are baptised Catholics on this board',
So what ? They include sedevacantists like TradCat Knight who reject Vatican Council II ( they interpret the Council like you) and believe they are good Catholics.
Then there is your case.Someone who rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Catechism of the Council of Trent and are now monitoring others who do.You reject these documents in support of the dogma by inferring that you can see people in Heaven or on earth, saved outside the Church.This is normal for you.This is the norm for you.No one has corrected you before at home or in school.
And you take it for granted that I must accept this extraordinary event.You can see the dead-saved without 'faith and baptism'.
We have cardinals and popes, like you, who cannot say that all Jews and Muslims are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II and you want me to do the same.Then like them, you can live in peace.I am the thorn in the flesh?
Your comment is about females and meeting Christians...So your not the type who will say all Muslims and Jews are on the way to Hell. Bad enough you don't write under your real name.There is no testimony here of a Catholic who knows his faith and proclaims it.

'I have been the only person who has challenged your erroneous and non-magisterial ravings.'

I have cited magisterial quotations for you quite a few times on Gloria TV in the comment section. I could do it again if you want me to.
But you and the cardinals and the scholars cannot make the same citations.Not because it is not possible but because you'll are afraid for some reason.(need to meet Christians and females..?.).
I affirm Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.It does not mention any exceptions. LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 are not visible and known cases and so they are not exceptions for me.
Why doesn't the two popes and the cardinals and scholars say this ?
Why don't you say the same thing?
Why must you pretend that LG 16 is an exception even after I have explained it to you numerous times over a few months ?
Why ? Since you know the truth and it is difficult for you to accept it and now you don't want me to write about it.
It is the popes and the cardinals; your magisterium today, who are not quoting magisterial documents. They are not interpreting magisterial documents with a rational theology.So I have to keep pointing it out.
Holy Cannoli
Look, my last post was clear and it should be clear to even a wild eyed loon like yourself. We are water baptized Catholics on this board. You are wasting time here when you ought to be spreading your message of eternal hellfire to those people whom you claim are eternally damned i.e., anyone who is not a Catholic. There are a lot of those people just waiting for your words of wisdom but you will …More
Look, my last post was clear and it should be clear to even a wild eyed loon like yourself. We are water baptized Catholics on this board. You are wasting time here when you ought to be spreading your message of eternal hellfire to those people whom you claim are eternally damned i.e., anyone who is not a Catholic. There are a lot of those people just waiting for your words of wisdom but you will not find them at Gloria.tv.

You could start with the eternally damned Jews. 👌
How about the Muzzies? 👌

And since you sound very lonely to me, why not go to a site where you can Meet Christians who are not Catholic but whose sorry souls you could convert, save and get a little action at the same time? 😘 By the way, the Protestants you meet don't care at all about Ecumenical Councils, words of the saints or Catholic traditions. However, you better have a working knowledge of and stick to Scripture if you want to impress a Protestant female. 😘

This is not about me. 🤫 Evidently you are fixated with me since I have been the only person who has challenged your erroneous and non-magisterial ravings. Let me make this clear to you, I am a solidly heterosexual male born and water baptized in the Catholic faith and even if you were a beautiful female whose charms could seduce most any man, I would still have nothing to do with you and your idiotic fixations. 😜

Arrivederci 🤗
Lionel L. Andrades
Welcome back.The last of many times you disappeared was when I asked you for your references for what you believe as a Catholic.
I cited Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 for my rigorist and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
You and your liberal friends at Catholic Answers and EWTN say there are exceptions. So …More
Welcome back.The last of many times you disappeared was when I asked you for your references for what you believe as a Catholic.
I cited Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 for my rigorist and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
You and your liberal friends at Catholic Answers and EWTN say there are exceptions. So I asked you, before your escaped, cite the exceptions in Vatican Council II or other magisterial texts and be rational and consistent.
The being rational and conistent is still the problem part for you as it for the cardinals and the two popes.
You could cite Lumen Gentium 16( invincible ignorance) but wanted me to assume that it was a visible and known case in 2016. So only in this way you could get an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.
For me LG 16 is not visible or relevant to the dogma EENS. So Vatican Council II cannot be a rupture with Tradition.I do not use subterfuge like the cardinals who have created a new theology based on LG 16 being visible.
So I repeat that my position on Vatican Council II is traditional and magisterial ( Vatican Council II, EENS, Catechism of Pope Pius X) while your position and that of Rahner, Kung, Ratzinger and Kasper, is non traditional and irrational. It is heresy and a rupture with the magisterium of the 16th Church.
This is an issue of the Catholic Church and not Mormon or Muslim doctrine.
However the implications are that Vatican Council II (AG 7 etc) is saying all Muslims and Jews are on the way to Hell and there are no known exceptions. This is terribly difficult for you to say. It is also difficult for John Henry Weston at LifeSites.com. Since they will come for his bank balance.
It is difficult for Michael Voris since they will accuse him of being Anti-Semetic.
It is difficult for you too. It is much easy to give positive waves and say not everyone this December needs to enter the Church. This is exactly what ecclesiastic Masonry has been telling us since 1949.
So it is easy to talk about the exceptions in Amoris Laeititia for the scholars and the cardinals but it seems impossible for them to see the same error in salvation theology- since that will hit the purse.
Holy Cannoli
You continue to post essentially the same material over and over and over again and, in this case as in the others, your posts have absolutely no connection to the subject material of the particular thread that you post on.
If you truly believed what you claim to believe, you would not waste time posting on a Catholic website where all of the participants are members of the Catholic church and have …More
You continue to post essentially the same material over and over and over again and, in this case as in the others, your posts have absolutely no connection to the subject material of the particular thread that you post on.

If you truly believed what you claim to believe, you would not waste time posting on a Catholic website where all of the participants are members of the Catholic church and have been baptized with water. There would be no point in doing that. Yet, you do it anyway. Why? You are obviously a mentally unbalanced obsessive individual who cannot control his illogical impulses.

If you were sincerely interested in promoting your message that non-Catholics are going to hell, there is no value in posting to Catholics on a Catholic website. Since you seem to think your messages are of great urgency (you post them every day), why not spread your message where it can have the most effect and do the most good. Post them on Jewish message boards. Post them on Muslim message boards. Post them on Atheist message boards. Post them on Protestant message boards. Post them on Mormon message boards. And on and on. Indeed, visit Muslim countries or Jewish countries and tell them that they are going to hell if they do not convert. They will love hearing from you.

But, you will not do that and, as I've said, the reason is clear. You are obviously a mentally unbalanced obsessive individual who can not reason logically and will, for reasons only known to yourself, post your garbage on a Catholic website where it has absolutely no effect on Catholic members other than to identify you as an obsessive troll.
Holy Cannoli
Positive waves seems quite bhuddist, and the anger shows just how humble our pope is.
Holy Cannoli
Pope Francis has asked the atheist mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, to send him “positive waves” as support for his pontificate in just the same way he asks for prayers from Catholics. 😲
I have a few questions about “positive waves”.
Do atheists routinely send out positive waves in lieu of prayers? Do atheists have a certain number of positive waves that they are allotted each month to send to …More
Pope Francis has asked the atheist mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, to send him “positive waves” as support for his pontificate in just the same way he asks for prayers from Catholics. 😲

I have a few questions about “positive waves”.

Do atheists routinely send out positive waves in lieu of prayers? Do atheists have a certain number of positive waves that they are allotted each month to send to whomever they wish? What if an atheist runs out of their established allotment of positive waves, would they then be forced to issue a “negative wave” instead?

...[Mayor] Hidalgo agreed to set up a new refugee camp in the capital of France to help the [Muslim] “refugees” pouring into Europe from various Middle Eastern countries.....

The French will need a lot more than positive waves to deal with the Muslim jihad migrants that will be entering into Paris and other European cities. The same applies to American cities whose corrupt Democrat mayors agreed to take in large numbers of Muslim jihad migrants in 2016 under Obama’s “Syrian refugee program.” President Elect Trump plans to CANCEL the “Syrian refugee program.” However, we’ll still have 2016’s batch of dangerous jihad migrants to deal with. 😡

Getting back to the Pope and his request for “positive waves.” There is nothing in his statement that makes a coherent appeal to Natural Law, authoritative Church teaching, Scripture or Moral Tradition. A statement can have no more authority than that which is asserted in it. Since he routinely makes no assertion on anything other than his own, often bizarre or self-contradictory opinions, this positive wave business is of no value especially to a Christian.

What actually is the pope supposed to believe and what actually is the institution he is supposed to represent and what do positive waves have to do with any of it? 😲
Cardinal Muller said that there are some cases when a confessor can decide for a penitent when a previous marriage was null.
The Council of Trent said that those who declared that church courts could not judge marriages were excommunicated.
The Council of Trent was speaking of a heresy wherein people were asserting that the church did not have the authority to judge such things, and those who held …More
Cardinal Muller said that there are some cases when a confessor can decide for a penitent when a previous marriage was null.

The Council of Trent said that those who declared that church courts could not judge marriages were excommunicated.

The Council of Trent was speaking of a heresy wherein people were asserting that the church did not have the authority to judge such things, and those who held that this was a heresy were excommunicated. Many of the canons of the Council of Trent are of a similar nature, in that they anathematize people who question the validity or effects of the sacrament, or the authority of the church to grant them... primarily because the Council was facing a widespread protestant heresy that denied the sacraments and the church's authority over them.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I question if that specific canon means the same thing as stating that the Council in fact demanded all cases where a previous marriage might have existed must necessarily have been dealt with by a church court. It could be rather interpreted as meaning that the Church had the right and authority to judge such cases, and not that every such case must necessarily be judged by a church court.

To use some practical examples, suppose you had a man in Saudi Arabia who had four wives. And the fourth wife was a Catholic who got married in an Islamic ceremony. Later she realized this marriage was against what the church taught, left him, confessed this and the priest absolved her... why would you need a church court to give her an annulment before you could conclude her marriage never existed and this man was not her husband?

Or if two Catholic males had a homosexual marriage, and they later repented and separated, then went to confession... why would an annulment be necessary?

I think the purpose of the annulment is to make a formal declaration when the case is in doubt, and you need an authoritative opinion... not when it is an absolute and complete certainty. Maybe I am wrong.