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TLIG - Encounter with God father (part 2) English - Portugese My Encounter with God Father Meu Encontro com Deus Pai (LEGENDADO - parte 3) - Esta gravação foi filmada na casa de Vassula em Roma, em …Mais
TLIG - Encounter with God father (part 2)
English - Portugese
My Encounter with God Father
Meu Encontro com Deus Pai (LEGENDADO - parte 3) - Esta gravação foi filmada na casa de Vassula em Roma, em 1999. Aqui ela contra sobre o seu encontro com Deus Pai.
eine wichtige Information im ENGLISCHEN
Beten wir für Frau Ryden, dass sie sich nun besinnt und im Geiste der Buße un Umkehr von ihren Wegen umkehrt.
🙏 🙏 🙏Mais
eine wichtige Information im ENGLISCHEN

Beten wir für Frau Ryden, dass sie sich nun besinnt und im Geiste der Buße un Umkehr von ihren Wegen umkehrt.

🙏 🙏 🙏
eine wichtige Information für jene welche die Texte von Frau Ryden lesen. kirchlich.net/…/vassula-ryden-e…
Herbie: This is very interesting.......and I believe she is sincere.....
Cardinal Ratzinger, that time as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF) - investigated Vassula on matters that were not clear and needed to be clarified. All the Questions where answered to full contentment - the Situation was called "modified":
click there on :
CDF CONTENTS - and you'll find the whole correspondance
It is to be said, that the current …Mais
Cardinal Ratzinger, that time as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF) - investigated Vassula on matters that were not clear and needed to be clarified. All the Questions where answered to full contentment - the Situation was called "modified":

click there on :
CDF CONTENTS - and you'll find the whole correspondance

It is to be said, that the current Cardinal Levada is disregarding this work from the CDF under Cardinal Ratzinger. This matter is now in Treat at our Pope Benedikt XVI - because to spread lies is never good; also not if done by a current Cardinal.

But it is known: Already Pope Paul VI. said, that the smoke of Satan entered the Church - well Cardinals against Cardinals; Bishop against Bishop. And like all evil does: they call what is Good - evil and what is evil -good.... and they even think in their distorted mind that they do good, not even knowing it.

Further - a lot of Bishops from different Churches who READ (!!!) the messages gave witness that they hear the Same Voice they Know from the Holy Scriptures in the messages of True Life in God. You find there Testimonies here:
It remains inappropriate for Catholics to take part in prayer groups established by Mrs Rydén
read more here
Nao e apropriado para Catolicos participar em actividades religiosas organizadas pela Sra Rydén
Para mais informacao leia mais aqui (ingles)
It remains inappropriate for Catholics to take part in prayer groups established by Mrs Rydén

read more here

Nao e apropriado para Catolicos participar em actividades religiosas organizadas pela Sra Rydén

Para mais informacao leia mais aqui (ingles)