It contains all the canonical arguments and links to all the Church documents. There is NOTHING which is not established and proven by the Church's teaching and founded on that teaching in the same sense the Church teaches it. -- Liberate your mind from the Big Lie put out by the St Gallen Mafia and supported by the Lavender Mafia throughout the world. (use this URL if the automatic …More
It contains all the canonical arguments and links to all the Church documents. There is NOTHING which is not established and proven by the Church's teaching and founded on that teaching in the same sense the Church teaches it. -- Liberate your mind from the Big Lie put out by the St Gallen Mafia and supported by the Lavender Mafia throughout the world. (use this URL if the automatic url fails)


Non Solum Propter: Latin & English Text How and Why the Renunciation of Pope Benedict was invalid by the law itself (English, Italiano, Español, Français, Deutsch, 日 本語, Portuguese) …
It's more serious than that. That Bull was upheld from the time it was Dogmatically pronounced in 1586 until the pontificate of John XXIII and also states that there can never be an amendment to it for any reason.
Thanks for all you do to save the Church. Get that Bull circulated - as you know Brother, it's a point of Divine Law that every dogmatic pronouncement is set in stone, …More

It's more serious than that. That Bull was upheld from the time it was Dogmatically pronounced in 1586 until the pontificate of John XXIII and also states that there can never be an amendment to it for any reason.

Thanks for all you do to save the Church. Get that Bull circulated - as you know Brother, it's a point of Divine Law that every dogmatic pronouncement is set in stone, and is not to be amended. To disregard it is as great an offence as it would be to refute The Holy Virgin's Immaculate Conception or Perpetual Virginity.

The Bull states that to elect further Cardinals OVER the amount of 70 is to incur the wrath of God and those elected are to be considered not Cardinals, but their positioning "Null and void". we are in a great deal of trouble. Since false Cardinals sat in a few Conclaves and FALSE Cardinals must have been elected. Including JPI. JPII, Benedict XVI and Francis.

God Bless
O.K. Here is a short lesson in theology. Dogma is a teaching regarding the faith and morals revealed by God. The number of Cardinals is a legal arrangement for the College of Cardinals. Thus it is not a dogmatic decree. It's not even a disciplinary decree for the whole Church. It's merely an administrative decree for the college of Cardinals. Thus, you are mistaking it for, to give an example, the …More
O.K. Here is a short lesson in theology. Dogma is a teaching regarding the faith and morals revealed by God. The number of Cardinals is a legal arrangement for the College of Cardinals. Thus it is not a dogmatic decree. It's not even a disciplinary decree for the whole Church. It's merely an administrative decree for the college of Cardinals. Thus, you are mistaking it for, to give an example, the Dogmatic Decree on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. -- Here ends the lesson.
Not one of the Popes can possibly be valid - according to the Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V
He restricted the amount of Cardinals to 70 in "Postquam" 1586 - and decreed "null and void" any Cardinals elected over that number in perpetuity forbidding absolutely any disobedience for any reason whatsoever. The Bull was upheld from 1586 when it …More

Not one of the Popes can possibly be valid - according to the Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V
He restricted the amount of Cardinals to 70 in "Postquam" 1586 - and decreed "null and void" any Cardinals elected over that number in perpetuity forbidding absolutely any disobedience for any reason whatsoever. The Bull was upheld from 1586 when it was written until the death of Pius XII at that juncture John XXIII et al started incurring excommunication and God's displeasure by adding whomsoever they wished to the List of Cardinals. The ramifications of 100's of "invalid, null and void" false Cardinals" is clearness itself. The Cardinals, Bishops, many Priests and all Conclaves SINCE John XXIII can not possibly be valid since they consisted of the election of false Cardinals by other False Cardinals. It can not get much worse than THIS surely. Yet the Bull is authentic and the dogmatic language and threats against disobedience to it show that whomsoever did not comply with it is now incurring the wrath of God and Blessed St Peter and Paul eternally. Pope Sixtus reiterated these pronouncements in his following Bull. There are no English translations of either Bull . Hope you can speak fluent Latin so you can read them for yourself. God Bless
Papal Bulls nearly always had the phrase declaring what was done contrary to be null and void. But it meant that what was done by others, not by popes. A pope can undo such restrictions. The Bull Posquam probably had such a restriction to protect the popes from being forced by foreign powers to name more cardinals.
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