
The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines

By Msgr. Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana Abortion-tainted vaccines and the culture of death Anti-Christian world powers that promote the culture of …More
By Msgr. Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana
Abortion-tainted vaccines and the culture of death
Anti-Christian world powers that promote the culture of death are seeking to impose on the world’s population an implicit — though remote and passive — collaboration with abortion. Such remote collaboration, in itself, is also an evil because of the extraordinary historical circumstances in which these same world powers are promoting the murder of unborn children and the exploitation of their remains. When we use vaccines or medicines which utilize cell lines originating from aborted babies, we physically benefit from the “fruits” of one of the greatest evils of mankind — the cruel genocide of the unborn. For if one innocent child had not been cruelly murdered, we would not have these concrete vaccines or medicines. We should not be so naive as not to see that these vaccines and medicines not only offer a health benefit but also promise to promote …More
Roger Fielder
Appreciate the clear thinking and Biblical and moral persuasion. I am not a Catholic, but I am appalled that so many of my so called "evangelical" brethren pay no heed to such clear Scriptural application because of fleshly fear disguised as "caring for others". Thank you, and I will be praying for the blinded leadership in your church.
가입을 원합니다
blinded leadership in your church // self-righteous rulers in my church.
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Abortion & vaccines
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Alex Abate Alex
Msgr. Schneider, thank you very much for sharing with us your reflections on this issue. When so many of our very shepherds completely ignore or even actively approve of the use of these tainted vaccines; it is truly a consolation to have someone address these issues.
However, one aspect of what you said is something I've seen repeated very much in other texts, but that I have been unable to …More
Msgr. Schneider, thank you very much for sharing with us your reflections on this issue. When so many of our very shepherds completely ignore or even actively approve of the use of these tainted vaccines; it is truly a consolation to have someone address these issues.

However, one aspect of what you said is something I've seen repeated very much in other texts, but that I have been unable to understand. How is taking these vaccines "remote" cooperation with evil and not "formal" cooperation?

As I understand it, the doctors and institutions that kill these unborn children are directly guilty of murder, in particular, murdering for hire. Not only that, but they are also guilty of robbery associated with this murder, selling the body parts of their victims to laboratories and whatnot.

The purchasers of these parts are then in turn formally cooperating with the robbery and murder, that is, with the body part harvesting. Any medicament they may develop from the cells that they use will still be formally linked with the robbery and murder; since those cells will play an integral part in how the medicine is brought about. The number of cell divisions since the cells were harvested from their owner, the number of years since then, and even whether the cell is used for testing or for directly creating the medicine doesn't change the direct and formal connection between the medicine and the crime.

Thus, as far as I can see, anyone taking these medicines is formally guilty of the crime being done; just as someone who decides to purchase from a known fence to save money is directly guilty of the theft or robberies that brought about what he purchased. In fact, more so, since a person who goes to a fence might believe that those goods are simply the result of theft, while the vaccines are known to have caused the death of those whose organs were harvested.

Of course, one could argue that some of those who receive the vaccine are not so guilty because they might be ignorant of the particulars of how it is made, and might even buy into the attempts to make the issue unclear. But, it seems to me, that anyone who knows what is going on with these vaccines and nevertheless receives them is necessarily guilty of formal, not remote, cooperation with organ harvesting. Of course, the definition of formal cooperation says that it depends on what is willed by the person. Probably, those receiving the vaccine don't will that the organs of murdered children be harvested. But then again, most thieves don't want to steal, particularly, but rather to obtain the benefit from stealing. However, the thief sins since the particular thing he wills is sinful, not just being rich, but getting rich by stealing from someone. Likewise, those receiving the vaccine will not just avoiding being sick, but avoiding being sick even if that requires organ harvesting to be brought about.
Windmill Lane
I hope our Tradition-minded hierarchy heed this very holy man.
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Yes, but people don't listen, they follow the media like zombies and robots.
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