Koza Nutria
Please have a look what Bishop of Portsmouth,Philip Egan, thinks about Halloween!!!!
Koza Nutria
For me that's not Evangelization, that's going half way with bad. We can think that we try to take something good out of bad but on the end of the day we taking part in pagan culture.
On the end of the day children will say, well we been doing exactly the same what others we just did ware Saint outfit.
Hugh N. Cry
Have children dress as saints, put out a skeleton by the candy bowl with a reminder “memento Mori” and wishing a happy All Hallows’ Eve. Evangelize.
Halloween is what the good Bishop says in the above quote. Forget the fun, and pray to those who have gone before us and are in the beatific vision that we become what the Father has created us to be.
Koza Nutria
What I can see is desperate Trying to baptise the pagan culture into Church.
Should we really full of faith telling gost stories to children??
Sally Dorman
Halloween is "we poke fun at death, carving pumpkins, praying trick or treat, telling ghost stories."
Koza Nutria
@Sally Dorman
Is it that what Catholics should do? " full of faith telling gost stores"???
Sally Dorman
Don't think so - but it is a good description of the bishop on what is going on.
Koza Nutria
@Sally Dorman
Then if is not right for Catholic to do so why Bishop would put something like that in his email news then?
Sally Dorman