Armaged′don! Francesco: Cut & Splice and Vatican silence means ..

Francesco: Cut & Splice and Vatican silence means someone else and NOT the Pope is in control. Cf Famiglie omosex. Ciò che il papa ha detto e ciò che gli hanno fatto dire Homosexual families. What …Altro
Francesco: Cut & Splice and Vatican silence means someone else and NOT the Pope is in control.
Cf Famiglie omosex. Ciò che il papa ha detto e ciò che gli hanno fatto dire
Homosexual families. What the pope said and what they made him say (Google Translate)
F M Shyanguya e un altro utente si collegano a questo post
F M Shyanguya
And that someone controlling - the Antichrist - has exploded this within the Church and on the World so that the Church implodes from within and is attacked from without. Cf This Is It! Armaged′don!
Perfectly clear now because the Church is the new Israel, the Body & Bride of Christ, who is the true Israel.
Cf When they are Assembled at Armaged′don, it Behooves them to Choose A Side Wisely.
***** …Altro
And that someone controlling - the Antichrist - has exploded this within the Church and on the World so that the Church implodes from within and is attacked from without. Cf This Is It! Armaged′don!

Perfectly clear now because the Church is the new Israel, the Body & Bride of Christ, who is the true Israel.

Cf When they are Assembled at Armaged′don, it Behooves them to Choose A Side Wisely.


Revelation 16:13-16 (RSVCE)

13 And I saw, issuing from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three foul spirits like frogs; 14 for they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day[a] of God the Almighty. 15 (“Lo, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is he who is awake, keeping his garments that he may not go naked and be seen exposed!”) 16 And they assembled them at the place which is called in Hebrew Armaged′don.[b]

Read full chapter


16.14 the great day: On which all the Gentile armies shall be gathered to give battle.
16.16 Armageddon: i.e., Megiddo where Josiah was defeated by the king of Egypt, cf. 2 Kings 23.29.
F M Shyanguya
Right on cue:
- Baptists respond to pope’s endorsement of same-sex civil unions
- Franklin Graham, evangelicals condemn Pope Francis’ support for gay civil unions
- Fr Murray: Pope Francis’s promotion of homosexual civil unions a ‘flagrant betrayal’
This is a volcanic eruption. Catholicism is now widely but incorrectly seen to consist of the latest remarks by Pope Francis to …Altro
Right on cue:


- Baptists respond to pope’s endorsement of same-sex civil unions

- Franklin Graham, evangelicals condemn Pope Francis’ support for gay civil unions


- Fr Murray: Pope Francis’s promotion of homosexual civil unions a ‘flagrant betrayal’
This is a volcanic eruption. Catholicism is now widely but incorrectly seen to consist of the latest remarks by Pope Francis to journalists and filmmakers. Pope Francis has used the power and influence of his sacred office to promote something that is sinful. That is not the mission entrusted by Christ to St. Peter and his successors. Catholic doctrine on the immorality of homosexual acts cannot be changed by Pope Francis or any other pope.”
F M Shyanguya