
The gospel of Judas Iskariotte

There is a gospel of Judas Iskariotte . This gospel appeared somewhere in 1978 and is authentically old. 250BC. That is not the same as authentically from Judas, but he might well be the source. it is …More
There is a gospel of Judas Iskariotte . This gospel appeared
somewhere in 1978 and is authentically old. 250BC. That is
not the same as authentically from Judas, but he might well be the source. it is gnostic.
It was once translated as an effort from National Geographic.
It is difficult to read into. Much is missing. I was so irreverent as to clean it up and interpolate content through my gnostic knowledge to make it even more readable and accessible.
If you wish you can try to read it. Still the content is difficult
to understand. Whenever you stuck just forget about it.
INTRODUCTION: INCIPIT The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week three days before he celebrated Passover. THE EARTHLY MINISTRY OF JESUS When Jesus appeared on earth, he performed miracles and great wonders for the salvation of humanity. And since some walked in the way of righteousness, while others walked in their transgressions, the twelve disciples were …More
Besides, if this writing is from 250 BC, is prophecy and wasn't written by Judas, precedes him by several hundred years...
250 AD. Correct.
Judas couldn't have written a gospel because he hanged himself immediately after returning the 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 27: 3-5