Mansplaining For The CATHOLIC VOTE! We are seeing things ramp up as the presidential election approaches. As a result of this, we as Catholics need to band together. This is a pivotal moment in our …More
Mansplaining For The CATHOLIC VOTE!
We are seeing things ramp up as the presidential election approaches. As a result of this, we as Catholics need to band together. This is a pivotal moment in our country and for our world. The can be no excuse. We NEED to make the right decisions that will honor God and help our nation. now more than ever before. ------------------------------------ WANT TO HELP GROW THIS PODCAST? - 'Like' this video by clicking the thumbs up icon just under the video -Share this video with your friends by clicking the 'share' icon - SUBSCRIBE by clicking the red 'subscribe' button under the video and then click the 'bell' icon to receive a notification when we publish a new episode. --------------------------------------- Help support this podcast by becoming a Grace Force Patron here: patreon.com/user?u=25398590 --------------------------------------- Become a part of the BATTLE READY COALITION and unite with like-minded Catholics and train for the intensifying …More