Cupich will "visit the faithful who have regularly attended (Latin) Mass and celebrated sacraments with the earlier rituals to help them understand the essential principles of renewal called for in the Second Vatican Council". I think he'll find an audience that understands the situation much better than he does.

Cardinal Cupich hints at major Latin Mass crackdown in Chicago - LifeSite

Tue Nov 9, 2021 - 8:51 pm ESTWed Nov 10, 2021 - 6:06 am EST CHICAGO (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Blase Cupich of the Archdiocese …
the Lord He is not sleeping and He will clean up His church from evil
I pray for his conversion to the Roman Catholic Church every day.
Louis IX
They’ve had 55 years to sell VII to the faithful and many aint buyin, (and Cupich is going to do it all in one weekend?)