Holy Infant of Good Health - April 21 Also known as Santo Niño de la Salud Memorial 21 April Profile Devotion to the Christ Child as depicted in a statue around which have been reported miraculous …More
Holy Infant of Good Health - April 21
Also known as
Santo Niño de la Salud
21 April

Devotion to the Christ Child as depicted in a statue around which have been reported miraculous healings. The statute was found in 1939 in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico; it is eleven inches tall, is dressed in a crown and ermine-trimmed mantle, holds a gold sceptre in its left hand, and the right is raised in a blessed. Veneration was approved by Archbishop Luis M. Altamirano y Bulnes, and it was solemnly crowned by pontifical command in 1944. The Missionaries of the Holy Infant of Good Health were founded in Morelia on 12 November 1970.
Additional Information New Catholic Dictionary Society of the Holy Infant of Good Health Wikipedia MLA Citation “Holy Infant of Good Health“. CatholicSaints.Info. 20 April 2013. Web. 21 April 2020. <>
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The Holy Infant of Good Health - April 21
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Holy Infant of Good Health - April 21