Susan Bromley

Bishop Strickland condemns E. Michael Jones as an Antisemite

An Important Statement of Clarification In these troubled times it is necessary that we express ourselves very clearly. Let us seek to build bridges in the Truth and love that is Jesus Christ rather …More
An Important Statement of Clarification
In these troubled times it is necessary that we express ourselves very clearly. Let us seek to build bridges in the Truth and love that is Jesus Christ rather than allow false messages to constantly divide us.

It recently came to my attention, however, that a speaker was invited to Patrick Coffin's course, "Hope is the Fuel," whose words I would describe as antiSemitic, although he himself would object to this title. This speaker is E. Michael Jones. Because I feel strongly about this topic, and because I feel a follower of Christ cannot follow an ideology such as this that I believe is based in hatred…
Simon North
How about condemning those Conciliar heretics who promote their "Dual Covenant" position vis-a-vis the Jews? How about condemning Joseph Ratzinger's …More
How about condemning those Conciliar heretics who promote their "Dual Covenant" position vis-a-vis the Jews? How about condemning Joseph Ratzinger's outrage of stating that the Church has no mission to the Jews? I wish people would cease idolizing this man. He's a Catholic in some things, but a Modernist in others. That means (according to Pope St. Pius X) he's a Modernist heretic.
I the bishop should spend more time condemning the anti-Catholic hysteria that grips the world, especially at the Vatican.
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An Exorcist Reveals the Truth About Demons Interview with an Exorcist (Fr Vincent Lampert) An exorcist in the Catholic Church must be a priest who has been granted that faculty (jurisdiction). If the new rite of …More
Interview with an Exorcist (Fr Vincent Lampert)
An exorcist in the Catholic Church must be a priest who has been granted that faculty (jurisdiction). If the new rite of consecration (of a bishop) was invalid then there would be exorcists today who are not priests. If that were case then the demon who possessed a person would know the exorcist had no power and would reveal that fact (see the Fr. Lampert interviews on Pints with Aquinas). But Fr. Lampert’s exorcisms have been successful, so he must have been validly ordained by a bishop (Abp. O'Meara) consecrated with the NRoC (1981). Therefore Abp. Vigano/Bp. Williamson’s claim that there’s a doubt regarding the validity of the NRoC is demonstrably false.
Is this Ultraviolet, back again?
Sean Johnson
All celebrity exorcists incur the same doubts (Amorth, Ripperger, etc).
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Susan Bromley

Turkey to convert another Greek church into a mosque

No comment from the Patriarch of Istanbul yet… Well the head of the Greek church is the president of Turkey, who delegates the approval of the Patriarch to his interior minister… As Fr. Adrian Fortescue …More
No comment from the Patriarch of Istanbul yet…
Well the head of the Greek church is the president of Turkey, who delegates the approval of the Patriarch to his interior minister… As Fr. Adrian Fortescue said, they chose the sultan’s turban over the pope’s tiara…
Turkey to convert another Greek church into a mosque
Turkish authorities are reportedly moving ahead with the conversion of another Byzantine Greek Orthodox church into a mosque. The Chora Church in Istanbul will be open to Muslim worshippers for Friday prayers on February 23, according to a report in the Yeni Safak newspaper. The plan to convert the church, which had been operating as a museum for nearly 80 years, dates from 2020, when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a decree that also included turning the iconic Hagia Sophia church into a mosque. While Hagia Sophia was inaugurated as a mosque in July of that year, the Chora Church scheme was put on hold so that restoration work could be carried out. Famous for …More

British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson Mocks Holocaust Survivors On Iranian TV

British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson Mocks Holocaust Survivors On Iranian TV: They Say That Green Smoke Came Off Hungarian Jews And Red Smoke Off Czech Jews, But The Holocaust Is A Myth; There Are …More
British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson Mocks Holocaust Survivors On Iranian TV: They Say That Green Smoke Came Off Hungarian Jews And Red Smoke Off Czech Jews, But The Holocaust Is A Myth; There Are Some Good Jews, But Not Many
On January 4 and January 8, 2023, Channel 4 (Iran) aired an interview with British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson. Williamson said that the Jews control the media, that they "twist" people's minds, and that they have cleverly taken control of universities and the media. He also said that the Holocaust was a "myth", that the Jews have replaced "objective" history with their "emotional scenario" about the Holocaust, and that only around 100,000 Jews were actually killed.
Mocking Holocaust survivors, Bishop Williamson said: "I was there and I saw it, when the Hungarian [Jews] were being burned it was green smoke and when the Czechs were being burned it was red smoke." In addition, he said that the Jews created the Freemasons so that gentiles bring "Jewish corruption …
Carol H
While the pseudo Jewish religion does indeed work against Christianity (it is an entirely different religion to Old Testament Jews), there is also an …More
While the pseudo Jewish religion does indeed work against Christianity (it is an entirely different religion to Old Testament Jews), there is also an unseen enemy working quietly among all religions reinforcing distrust and division. As Miles- Christi - English states, His Lordship "gets the underlying diagnosis right" but my concern is, to what purpose? It is a subject he offers in broad strokes and on a regular basis. And while it contains elements of truth, our focus it always drawn to fixate on "the big bad Jewish caricature" leaving, to my mind, an even deadier enemy to freely mingle among us. As a city gal, I get the distinct impression of having my line of sight curtailed.
Miles - Christi - English
I have serious disagreements with Bishop Williamson on several issues, but overall, as far as the Jewish question is concerned, I share his point of …More
I have serious disagreements with Bishop Williamson on several issues, but overall, as far as the Jewish question is concerned, I share his point of view. Obviously, some of the things he says should be qualified, others are probably exaggerated, and there could even be some historical inaccuracy. But he gets the underlying diagnosis right. The attitude of the Church throughout her history, until the advent of the enlightened Roncalli - and after that, of the conciliar document Nostra Aetate - proves the eccentric British bishop right. I recommend the following publications on the matter: El Mesías que los judíos esperan será el Anticrist… - ON THE CONFLICT BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE - Wit…
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Britain suspends funding for UN aid agency implicated in Oct 7 attack

The United Kingdom announces it’s suspending all funding for UNRWA 🇬🇧 🇮🇱 Britain suspends funding for UN aid agency implicated in Oct 7 attackMore
The United Kingdom announces it’s suspending all funding for UNRWA 🇬🇧 🇮🇱
Britain suspends funding for UN aid agency implicated in Oct 7 attack
Susan Bromley

International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

Every year around 27 January, UNESCO pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirms its unwavering commitment to counter antisemitism, racism, and other forms of intolerance …More
Every year around 27 January, UNESCO pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirms its unwavering commitment to counter antisemitism, racism, and other forms of intolerance that may lead to group-targeted violence. The date marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau by Soviet troops on 27 January 1945. It was officially proclaimed, in November 2005, International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust by the United Nations General Assembly.
The Holocaust profoundly affected countries in which Nazi crimes were perpetrated, with universal implications and consequences in many other parts of the world. Member States share a collective responsibility for addressing the residual trauma, maintaining effective remembrance policies, caring for historic sites, and promoting education, documentation and research, more than seven decades after the genocide. This responsibility …More
We must never forget.
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Proof! Americans are still savages!

An American scientist suggested to add salt for a "perfect" cup of tea. This caused an outrage in the UK 🇬🇧 , to which the US 🇺🇲 embassy in London responded with this genius statement 👇
Hugh N. Cry
Americans don’t put salt in tea, rather the tea goes in the salt a la Boston Tea Party.