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A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Has Been Set to Guard the Lord's Flock. By Father Brian Harrison.

Today July 1st, 2023, Francis took one of the most revolutionary steps so far in his decade-long novelty-studded pontificate. He has appointed his fellow-Argentinian, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández …More
Today July 1st, 2023, Francis took one of the most revolutionary steps so far in his decade-long novelty-studded pontificate.
He has appointed his fellow-Argentinian, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández, the main theologian behind Amoris Laetitia, as the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Fernández has a long track record of promoting the modernist idea of the evolution of doctrine, claiming (wrongly) that the magisterium has contradicted itself on religious liberty and slavery, and that this sets a precedent for further evolution on … you guessed it, sexual morality.
In an essay he promoted the sophistry that while indeed divorced and remarried Catholics who remain sexually active are in an "objective state of mortal sin", they can nevertheless sometimes be absolved in the confessional and receive sanctifying grace without a firm purpose of amendment, and so receive Communion.
How does Fernández try to justify this position? Well, the Catholic doctrine that …More