Il misericordioso B. "riduce allo stato laicale" don Minutella: l'autogol finale

Il misericordioso Bergoglio “riduce allo stato laicale” don Minutella: l'autogol finale di anti papa …

Andrea Cionci Storico dell'arte, giornalista e scrittore, si occupa di storia, archeologia e religione …
Apertis Verbis
Vogliono punirne uno per educarne cento. Io non trovo colpe in don Minutella. Ha le sue idee, si posso accettare o confrontarle con le proprie ragioni …Altro
Vogliono punirne uno per educarne cento. Io non trovo colpe in don Minutella. Ha le sue idee, si posso accettare o confrontarle con le proprie ragioni. La cosa orrenda che lo hanno punito perchè prete tradizionalista. Meglio i modernisti? Ne uscirà vincitore per opera di Dio.
Chi può, vada in piazza s. Pietro con pomodori maturi
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"Judgment has Begun" - prophecy from Mark Taylor

The Spirit of God says, “Many False Prophets and Pastors are Prophesying Judgment in 2022. Do you not realize they are prophesying their own Doom? The very things they are prophesying they are guilty …Altro
The Spirit of God says, “Many False Prophets and Pastors are Prophesying Judgment in 2022. Do you not realize they are prophesying their own Doom? The very things they are prophesying they are guilty of! The sins of these False Pastors and Prophets are great! The bowls of sin are overflowing for these corrupt leaders who have been fornicating with the Whore of Babylon long enough! The sand has run out of the hourglass and my Judgment has begun for those that are drunk from her wine, the Blood of the Saints and my true Prophets! Those that have enjoyed her delicacies have truly received their reward! For I will pour out my Judgment on everything that is corrupt! I will start at the top of their Pyramid, the leadership that has lead my people astray. The infiltration from the enemy is catastrophic! Everything has been infiltrated and corrupted. Seminaries, Churches, and the people that have been lead astray. The wickedness of these False Prophets and Pastors has become a stench unto my …Altro
This prophecy doesn't need (human) comments.

Message of Hope from Father James Manjackal (known for his healing prayers)

His message to all of us from December 10, 2021: Virtualna molitva za ozdravljenje s o. Jamesom Manjackalom (minute 12): [...] But honestly I tell you: the Lord is giving us great Hope. And the Lord …Altro
His message to all of us from December 10, 2021:
Virtualna molitva za ozdravljenje s o. Jamesom Manjackalom (minute 12):
But honestly I tell you: the Lord is giving us great Hope.
And the Lord is answering our prayers.
The people all over the world are afraid of Omicron.
Now it is like a flu.
In my prayer I get the message: This problem of Covid will come to an end by the middle of next year (2022). By Easter and Pentecost, through the Holy Spirit, there will be a new atmosphere over the world. Here my children, hold on to your Faith. Hold on to Jesus, and be happy in the heart. [...]
Nicolaos condivide questo
This could also mean the Great Warning to happen before Easter 2022. (There is no other way to wake up the still deep asleep ones.) Maranatha. Come …Altro
This could also mean the Great Warning to happen before Easter 2022.
(There is no other way to wake up the still deep asleep ones.)
Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus!
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Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler

609) Saturday, November 10th, 2012 My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although you accept My Holy Word, it is only when the prophecies I reveal to you materialise, that you …Altro
609) Saturday, November 10th, 2012
My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although you accept My Holy Word, it is only when the prophecies I reveal to you materialise, that you understand the seriousness of this Mission to save humanity.
The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler.
This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children.
Remember that the only thing that has stopped My Father from bringing the world to an end is because of the love of those loyal servants amongst you.
My Father has, because of His Love for every child and every Creation of His, held His Hand. Now the time has come for Him to finally dissolve the times, so that the world He created out of Love and according to His …Altro
Message date 2012?? 609) Saturday, November 10th, 2012
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Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against HumanityAltro
Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity

Team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 Medical Experts Start Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for …

Original Link Here A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner …
amen to that
Oh, thank God and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank you Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the other brave experts who have found the courage to speak out …Altro
Oh, thank God and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank you Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the other brave experts who have found the courage to speak out clearly in a way destined to bring to light the crimes being committed against humanity!!!
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New Truth Channel (coming in 2022)

TRUTH Social

Truth Social is America’s “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology.
Copy/paste from the Praying Medic telegram channel: On June 17th, 2021, Dan Scavino revealed to the world that the Trump team had been working on a …Altro
Copy/paste from the Praying Medic telegram channel:
On June 17th, 2021, Dan Scavino revealed to the world that the Trump team had been working on a number of new social media platform ideas.
Scavino has firsthand knowledge of what it takes to communicate messages effectively on social media. He and Trump know this is their best opportunity to establish dominance in the information war. Scavino has indirectly assisted in the research anons have conducted on Twitter.
Given these facts, I'd bet the functionality of the new Trump social media platforms will be comparable to that of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter prior to or soon after launch.
Who knows, maybe they'll even include a thread feature like Twitter so we can continue doing our research threads.
Brian Cates - Political Columnist: Digital World Acquisition Corporation is a pretty prophetic name, because that’s what Trump’s goal is. To use this …Altro
Brian Cates - Political Columnist:
Digital World Acquisition Corporation is a pretty prophetic name, because that’s what Trump’s goal is. To use this corporation to acquire the entire digital world. Which takes it away from all the goons currently playing self appointed gatekeepers and national censors.
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Pfizer Releases Brand New, Never-Before-Seen Drug 'Pfivermectin'

U.S.—After several successful rounds of trials and a quick overnight approval from the FDA, Pfizer proudly announced they will be releasing …
Babylonbee is a satire site..........
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MAN OF GOD -- Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity
6 pagine
Please note that this is just a first document of a series to be completed soon... The changes we have been waiting for so long, have now been initiated …Altro
Please note that this is just a first document of a series to be completed soon...
The changes we have been waiting for so long, have now been initiated for the GOOD of ALL NATIONS under GOD ALMIGHTY.
WE - WILL - WIN!!!

"Avevamo visto giusto" -- parole del Sacerdote più snobbato al mondo

REDDE RATIONEM Ho pregato molto per capire il significato vero del Motu Proprio di Bergoglio "Traditionis Custodes" con cui viene annullata la Summorum Pontificum di Benedetto XVI. In pratica viene …Altro
Ho pregato molto per capire il significato vero del Motu Proprio di Bergoglio "Traditionis Custodes" con cui viene annullata la Summorum Pontificum di Benedetto XVI.
In pratica viene vietata la messa di sempre.
Ho chiesto luce a Dio per capire e qui, in Colombia, ho avuto risposta.
Il documento è un castigo di Dio per tutto il mondo tradizionalista che si è ostinato a rimanere incredibilmente otto anni in comunione con un falso papa.
Hanno usato sofismi ipocriti e quel che è peggio hanno attaccato noi che ci siamo detti fedeli a Benedetto XVI. Con un modo di snobbarci e umiliarci poco evangelico.
Hanno detto per otto anni che si deve obbedire al papa.
Ecco ora il "redde rationem" del cielo. Ora sono con le spalle al muro. Leggo di inviti alla resistenza e alla clandestinità. Ma ci si nasconde dai nemici, non dal papa. Che tipo di ragionamento fanno costoro? Non sanno che al papa si presta ossequio? O obbediscono al papa e allora devono celebrare anche la messa di Paolo VI …Altro
Don Minutella è l'unico prelato che si espone pubblicamente contro l'operato nefasto di bergoglio: fa sembrare le velate, ossequiose, rispettose e …Altro
Don Minutella è l'unico prelato che si espone pubblicamente contro l'operato nefasto di bergoglio: fa sembrare le velate, ossequiose, rispettose e prudenti "critiche" dei vari Burke, Muller, Sarah, Schneider delle carezze o al massimo degli scappellotti.
Ed è soprattutto l'unico che vede nell'odio di bergoglio contro la Santa Messa la summa coerenza con il resto delle sue azioni contro la Chiesa Cattolica ed il papato.
How Audits Will End the Biden Administration

How Audits Will End the Biden Administration

Last week’s election revelations in Georgia and Arizona caused a shift in the way election audits are perceived. As a result, a Representative from Wisconsin …
"... If the evidence proves what experts claim, then Joe Biden is not merely an illegitimate president. He is the representative of a foreign government…Altro
"... If the evidence proves what experts claim, then Joe Biden is not merely an illegitimate president. He is the representative of a foreign government inserted into our political system—the person through whom China assumed control of our executive branch... "

False President (to be substituted soon...)

White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His Legitimacy July 14, 2021 The speech Joe Biden delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia was not …Altro
White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His Legitimacy
July 14, 2021
The speech Joe Biden delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia was not the rant of a righteous or confident man. [READ IT HERE] Instead the speech was a bitter, angry and divisive plea for help from those extreme leftists who supported his installation.
The need for control is a reaction to fear. That fear was what Biden displayed above all other attributes. A fear that more American people will begin to see the false construct of his installation. A fear that those who perpetrated the fraud of his election will be exposed because the scale of their manipulation is far too great to continue hiding.
The fear that a small amount of actual investigation, with more audits looming, will reveal how a few key corrupt counties coordinated a massive election fraud. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, the location of Tuesday’s sanctimonious diatribe -delivered by a naked …Altro
Louis IX
By a lot.
Hugh N. Cry
Trump won
A dossier on Graphene Oxide (in the vaxx)

A Dossier on Graphene Oxide

rumble.com/…e-actual-contents-inside-pfizer-vials-exposed.html bitchute.com/video/aBIbo34os9Ih/ orwell.city/2021/07/the-spike-protein-is-graphene-oxide.html fromrome.info/……
Worker Bee condivide questo
A dossier on Graphene Oxide (in the vaxx)
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A Brief Intro to Q (wake up to the Truth)

Praying Medic (Dave Hayes) - July 09, 2021 I've followed Q since December of 2017, but many of you have not. Interest in Q seems to grow with every foolish scheme unveiled by those in power. You may …Altro
Praying Medic (Dave Hayes) - July 09, 2021
I've followed Q since December of 2017, but many of you have not. Interest in Q seems to grow with every foolish scheme unveiled by those in power.
You may have heard about Q from a friend, a political commentator, or a mainstream news outlet. While these people may have some knowledge of Q, many commentators have not read Q's posts.
What I present in my articles, videos and books is an analysis of Q's messages from an objective point of view. I've spent more than 5,000 hours in the last 4 years reading every Q post, following the links he provides and combing through thousands of related documents. While I don't claim to be the foremost expert on Q, I have more knowledge of the subject than most people.
Q is an anonymous person or group (we don't know with certainty) who first posted on the 4chan board /pol/ in October of 2017. For various reasons, Q has moved from one internet message board to another during that time and last posted on 8kun …Altro
Intervista: Cristoforo Colombo, la verità

“Dante, Columbus, and the end of the world” — An interview with...

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Last week I had the distinguished honor to sit down with Ruggero Marino, who for more than 30 years worked as …
Molto interessante!!!
Tuttalpiù è della Valfontanabuona, se proprio vogliamo essere precisi. Comunque sempre a 10 km da Zena...Altro
Tuttalpiù è della Valfontanabuona, se proprio vogliamo essere precisi.
Comunque sempre a 10 km da Zena...
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Constitution doesn’t prohibit Trump reinstatement

President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) OAN Newsroom UPDATED 4:10 PM PT – Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Attorney Boris Epshteyn said the U.S. Constitution does not …Altro
President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:10 PM PT – Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Attorney Boris Epshteyn said the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit President Trump from being reinstated as president in the coming months*. In a recent interview, Trump’s former strategic adviser said it would not be impossible for the 45th president to return to the White House if election audits found that Joe Biden’s victory was fraudulent.
However, left-wing media outlets have claimed Trump’s reinstatement was out of question simply because it has never happened before. Epshteyn described the Constitution as a “negative rights document” and argued because the document doesn’t prohibit the decertification of an election, Trump’s reinstatement would be legally possible.
“The Constitution doesn’t speak to our ability or right to drive a car. It doesn’t say anything about us going to the beach, but we can still go to the beach,” Epshteyn explained.…Altro
Jeffrey Ade

Did Pope Benedict XVI receive instruction from St. Hildegard of Bingen for his Faux Resignation?

JUNE 20, 2021 by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In the quest to understand the events surrounding Feb. 11, 2013 A. D., many writers have so far explored nearly every aspect of the events leading up to and following …Altro
JUNE 20, 2021
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In the quest to understand the events surrounding Feb. 11, 2013 A. D., many writers have so far explored nearly every aspect of the events leading up to and following. But one event which has not yet been explored may have been a crucial influence on the decision making of Pope Benedict XVI.
And it is this.
On October 7, 2012 just 4 months and 4 days before he read out his Declaratio, Pope Benedict XVI declared St. Hildegard of Bingen a Doctor of the Church.
That he chose to do this on the Feast of Our Lady of Victories, a. k. a., the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which commemorated in that year the 441st anniversary of the Catholic victory at the Battle of Lepanto, cannot be a mere administrative detail. Nay, it shows that the doctrine and teaching of St. Hildegard, for Pope Benedict XVI is intimately associated with Our Lady’s Mediation and Intervention in history.
Moreover, on May 10, 2012, in the Month of May, two days after the Feast of St. …Altro
Pfarrer Engelbert Zunhammer
Ich würde es mir nicht trauen, den Heiligen Vater so zu verunglimpfen.
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DEFEATING EVIL: 100 masonic errors you were trained to believe

Suggested Errors you should unteach yourself & your children If you were wondering why modern man does not rebel against injustice, the Scamdemic revealed why: most are totally psychologically controlled …Altro
Suggested Errors you should unteach yourself & your children
If you were wondering why modern man does not rebel against injustice, the Scamdemic revealed why: most are totally psychologically controlled by the Main Stream Media, despite how much they may criticize it. The whole reality they believe in is a lie; they don’t have the ability to even see it!
Here is a list of lies you were trained to believe with greater loyalty than even Christian Faith:
1) Democracy is the best form of government
2) Your vote is counted
3) Your elected official serves you
4) The Masonic Lodge is not Satanic
4) The good should tolerate the wicked 5) The godless have just as much right to vote and govern as the faithful Christian 6) It’s safer for everyone if a Christian is not put in power 7) Liberty requires that the Gospel not influence law and court decisions 8) Man evolved from an ape 9) Aliens probably exist, but angels are a myth 10) The Bible contains error 11) The Bible was not written by those it …Altro
2nd Nuremburg Tribunal -- Crimes against Humanity!!

1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Join Together and File Lawsuit to Prosecute the "2nd Nuremburg Tribunal …

Thousands of attorneys and doctors have joined forces to sue the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for …
when is this going to happen?
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(Cardinal) Bergoglio has Alzheimer's

Bergoglio has Alzheimer’s

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo May 24, 2021 A. D.: Rome, Italy -- The City of Rome is rife with talk that Bergoglio has Alzheimer's and has not long to live. I have heard Catholics speak …
Rumors are best ignored.


Quella che il cardinale Bergoglio, usurpatore del trono petrino a norma dei canoni della Chiesa e della Costituzione Apostolica “Universi Dominici Gregis”, governa, non è la Chiesa cattolica, fondata …Altro
Quella che il cardinale Bergoglio, usurpatore del trono petrino a norma dei canoni della Chiesa e della Costituzione Apostolica “Universi Dominici Gregis”, governa, non è la Chiesa cattolica, fondata da Gesù Cristo, dove si riceve, mediante i sacramenti, la grazia santificante, no! Una buona volta deve entrare in testa ai capoccioni che insistono contro di me, senza peraltro nominarmi mai (bullismo mediatico!). Infatti, il cardinale Bergoglio, anti-Pietro, come è ormai evidente, governa l’anti-chiesa o falsa chiesa, che è il “corpo mistico dell’anticristo” (F.Sheen). Ogni paragone e confronto con le stagioni in cui sono esistiti più papi è del tutto pretestuoso. La Chiesa rimaneva sempre una, ed era quella cattolica, si trattava dunque di risolvere chi fosse il vero papa, invece qui, con Bergoglio, si è costituita una falsa chiesa, prevista in molti modi dalle profezie (da Fatima a Caterina Emmerick, da padre Pio a mons. Sheen), in cui la fede cattolica non esiste più. Può ritenersi …Altro
Carlo Maria
Per quanto ne so, finora nessuno, neppure minimamente, ha confutato in modo serio le argomentazioni presenti in questo libro (pur essendo stato letto …Altro
Per quanto ne so, finora nessuno, neppure minimamente, ha confutato in modo serio le argomentazioni presenti in questo libro (pur essendo stato letto sicuramente almeno da diversi vescovi e sacerdoti):
Pace C. M., "Il vero Papa è ancora Benedetto XVI", Youcanprint 2017:
Infatti il vero Papa è ancora Benedetto XVI in quanto non si è dimesso l'11 febbraio 2013 (infatti dopo tale data è rimasto Papa a tutti gli effetti) e poi il 28 febbraio 2013 non ha fatto alcunché che lo potesse far passare da essere Papa a essere ex-Papa. Di conseguenza Jorge Mario Bergoglio è ancora soltanto un Cardinale.
@polos La situazione è veramente complessa, perché a questo punto dobbiamo ammettere che è dal pseudo pontificato di anti papa Giovanni XXIII che …Altro
La situazione è veramente complessa, perché a questo punto dobbiamo ammettere che è dal pseudo pontificato di anti papa Giovanni XXIII che abbiamo impostori sul trono di Pietro... Benedetto compreso! Perché il vero guaio è il famigerato Vaticano II e tutti coloro che lo riconoscono!
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