
Protestantesimo del 29/01/2017 - video - Play

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On Saturday, Immaculate Heart hosted the Una Voce Scotland annual Requiem Mass and AGM. The Solemn High Requiem Mass was offered by Fr Ninian Doohan, with Fr John Emerson FSSP as Deacon and Fr Mark …Daplü
On Saturday, Immaculate Heart hosted the Una Voce Scotland annual Requiem Mass and AGM.
The Solemn High Requiem Mass was offered by Fr Ninian Doohan, with Fr John Emerson FSSP as Deacon and Fr Mark Morris as Sub-Deacon. Fr Stephen Dunn and Fr Liam O’ Connor also attended the Mass in choir. The schola sang the requiem chants and Byrd’s Justorum Animae as the communion motet.
After the Mass, the Una Voce Scotland AGM was held in the parish hall. Fr Emerson gave a detailed account of the rising number of vocations in the SSPX, FFSP and ICKSP around the world, as well as some interesting history on the development of the traditional movement since the Second Vatican Council. Fred Stone, the chairman of Una Voce Scotland, updated members on the recent activity of the group, and displayed the new set of High Mass vestments which Una Voce had commissioned from Di Clara vestments. The vestments can be viewed in more detail here. Fr Ninian Doohan spoke of his own journey to the Traditional …Daplü

Una Voce Scotland Requiem Mass - Immaculate Heart

On Saturday, Immaculate Heart hosted the Una Voce Scotland annual Requiem Mass and AGM. The Solemn High Requiem Mass was offered by Fr Ninian Doohan, …

‘Gay’ couple brings Offertory gifts at Arch. Gomez’ Mass

On February 28, 2016, as the last act of the L.A. Education Congress, Archbishop José Gomez said a Mass. He chose 10 couples representing the Catholics of Los Angeles to bring the Offertory gifts to …Daplü
On February 28, 2016, as the last act of the L.A. Education Congress, Archbishop José Gomez said a Mass. He chose 10 couples representing the Catholics of Los Angeles to bring the Offertory gifts to the altar. Among them was a male homosexual “couple” carrying between them a boy they had adopted. This was the way Gomez found to officialize both homosexual “marriages” and the adoption of children by them.…/A674-G-Couple.h…
Carlos Barquin
The bishops don't look into every detail of a liturgical celebration in an event like the L.A. Education Congress, they don't chose who does what during …Daplü
The bishops don't look into every detail of a liturgical celebration in an event like the L.A. Education Congress, they don't chose who does what during the Mass, like altar servers, lectors, etc. they have people that take care of this, and if this people have an agenda, they can simple manipulate things behind the scene. The bishop would show up to celebrate the liturgy and find himself with things like this and basically being unable to do anything. Not saying the bishop is always without fault, sometimes they do. I know this man since he was a simple, humble priest in Houston. Seriously doubt he "chose" the couples that brought the gifts. Hopefully he did something about it when he found out that this couple that showed up in front of him was a "gay couple" and fired someone in his diocese.
GJA Taylor
another pointy hat wolf in sheeps clothing. Lord help us.
Indichar ün commentar implü

Le pape François, bon pasteur ou les contradictions volontaires d’un pompier pyromane ?

Nettement plus sud-américain et atteint de logorrhée chronique, pas un jour sans une bêtise, pour rester poli.
Ne nous laissez pas sucomber
Comme tout ses prédécesseurs depuis V. II .
Indichar ün commentar implü

“Dio non è cattolico, ma forse neppure Papa Francesco lo è”

Francesco Federico
Secondo Bergoglio Giuda Iscariota si è salvato: Bestemmie di Bergoglio! .........Domine, miserere nobis ! Non esiste un Dio Uno e Trino, ma una strana …Daplü
Secondo Bergoglio Giuda Iscariota si è salvato:
Bestemmie di Bergoglio! .........Domine, miserere nobis !
Non esiste un Dio Uno e Trino, ma una strana trimurti
Dieu n’existe pas ! Affirme Bergoglio
Benedice le due editrici lesbiche autrici di un libro che esalta la teoria "gender" fra i bimbi delle elementari e le invita a continuare su quella strada:
Libri gender a Venezia: il Pontefice benedice le due editrici lesbiche
tranne poi a sconfessare quanto ha detto e fatto in precedenza.
Riceve una coppia costituita da una donna trans e dalla di lei "moglie" e redarguisce aspramente il prete che rifiuta di dar loro la comunione: Vaticano, Papa Francesco riceve un trans e la sua fidanzata Un buon digesto delle sue eteroclite teorie si ha nell'ultima intervista: Che confusione ! Bergoglio dice tutto ed il contrario di tutto ! Ed i suoi manutengoli non sono da meno : Nell'era Bergoglio si modifica anche la Bibbia , pur di essere dalla parte dei sodomiti ! Laudetur Jesus Christus, semper laudetur !

Pope establishes Eastern Catholic church for Eritrea

Pope Francis has established a new Eastern Catholic church for Eritrea-- the first Eastern Catholic church formally erected since the early 20th century. According to the Code of Canons of the Eastern …Daplü
Pope Francis has established a new Eastern Catholic church for Eritrea-- the first Eastern Catholic church formally erected since the early 20th century.
According to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, there are four kinds of Eastern Catholic churches: patriarchal (led by a patriarch), major archepiscopal (led by a major archbishop), metropolitan sui iuris (led by a metropolitan archbishop), and other sui iuris churches. (The term sui iuris means “of its own right” or “of its own law.”)
According to a January 19 announcement from the Holy See Press Office, Pope Francis has separated the four Eritrean eparchies (dioceses) from the Ethiopian Catholic Church and has created a new metropolitan sui iuris church for Eritrea. The Pontiff has named Bishop Menghesteab Tesfamariam of Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, as the church’s first metropolitan archbishop. The metropolitan archbishop of Asmara will henceforth be head of the church.
Located in the Horn of Africa, Eritrea has been …Daplü

30 Important Things That We Forget

by Claudio de Castro Our lives would be different if only we thought about these things from time to time, and they are so simple and beautiful... I often think about these important things that we …Daplü
by Claudio de Castro
Our lives would be different if only we thought about these things from time to time, and they are so simple and beautiful...
I often think about these important things that we forget. Our lives would be different if we only thought about them from time to time. And they are so simple and beautiful... You can’t imagine how much they have helped me, and so I am sharing them with you.
1) We are children of God, and therefore we are ALL brothers and sisters.
2) If you can’t love and forgive, then ask God for that grace, and he will give it to you.
3) If you are truly sorry in your heart, God will forgive you. Go to a priest and ask him to hear your confession. You will leave behind in that confessional a heavy burden that hasn’t let you be happy until today.
4) God wants you to be a saint, because saints are happy. And he wants you to be HAPPY. 5) God has a marvelous plan for you. Abandon yourself in his hands. 6) Jesus is in the tabernacle, in every …Daplü

'The Church is about true/false, not left/right' - Cardinal Francis George

by John L. Allen Jr. CHICAGO — One could argue that Cardinal Francis George of Chicago was the American churchman of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, because there’s almost no story in which he …Daplü
by John L. Allen Jr.
CHICAGO — One could argue that Cardinal Francis George of Chicago was the American churchman of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, because there’s almost no story in which he wasn’t a lead actor.
He spurns the entire left/right dichotomy, calling it “destructive of the Church’s mission and her life.”
“For us, the category that matters is true/false,” he said. “I reject the whole liberal/conservative deformation of the character of our lives. If you’re limited to that … then somehow or other you’ve betrayed your vocation as a bishop and a priest.”
Other highlights of the interview:
George denies being a culture warrior, and says he “deeply resents” suggestions he’s not as passionate about social justice and the poor as his successor.
He unpacks a celebrated 2010 remark about his successor dying in prison, saying it was not a straight-line prediction, but a worst-case scenario. George reveals that it was then-Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, later Pope Benedict’s …

Why Catholic Church Opposes Gay Marriages

By Innocent Oweh Nigeria: Abuja — Archbishop of Abuja Diocese, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, has said the catholic hierarchy in Rome has stood firm against gay marriages because it clearly negates the …Daplü
By Innocent Oweh
Abuja — Archbishop of Abuja Diocese, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, has said the catholic hierarchy in Rome has stood firm against gay marriages because it clearly negates the original concept of God in building the family network.
Onaiyekan said this when he delivered a sermon during the celebration of Feast of All Saints and thanksgiving mass of Holy Family Society at Christ the King Parish, Kubwa, Abuja, at the weekend.
He said various attempts have been made by some people, who indulge in gay marriages, to lobby the church and make it change its position on the issue.
While underscoring the significance of marriage in the Christian faith, he noted that the marriage between couples of opposite sex remains an essential element of the constitution of the church.
It is perfectly appropriate for the Catholic Church to ban gay marriage for its own members, but they have no business imposing this ban through civil …Daplü
It is perfectly appropriate for the Catholic Church to ban gay marriage for its own members, but they have no business imposing this ban through civil law on persons of other or not faith.

Francis Won't Celebrate Public Morning Mass During the Summer

The Vatican has announced that during the summer, Pope Franis won't celebrate a public morning Mass in his residence, the Casa Santa Marta. The Vatican press office also announced that during the month …Daplü
The Vatican has announced that during the summer, Pope Franis won't celebrate a public morning Mass in his residence, the Casa Santa Marta.
The Vatican press office also announced that during the month of July, all Wednesday general audiences will be suspended. They will resume on the first Wednesday of August in the Vatican, taking place on 6, 20 and 27 August.
On Wednesday, 13 August, there will be no general audience as the Pope will travel to Korea (from 13 to 18 August).
The Angelus prayer will continue to take place in the Vatican every Sunday in July, except during the days of the Holy Father's absence during his trip to Korea (Sundays 15 and 17 August).
The morning mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae will be suspended during the summer, from early July until the end of August, and will resume at the beginning of September.

Christian School in Jerusalem Under Attack for Forbidding Muslim Veils

A Christian school’s decision to forbid girls wearing Muslim veils from attending a convocation has sparked controversy in Jerusalem. The Rosary Sister’ School in East Jerusalem and its administration …Daplü
A Christian school’s decision to forbid girls wearing Muslim veils from attending a convocation has sparked controversy in Jerusalem.
The Rosary Sister’ School in East Jerusalem and its administration face intimidation and threats by Palestinian families for their allegedly banning of girls from wearing the hijab, a veil that covers the head of Muslim women.
The decision came to a head earlier last week, after young women were forbidden from attending a graduation ceremony, reported the Gatesone Institute think tank.
Christian families considered bringing the Muslim campaign against the school to the attention of the Pope during his trip to the region, but fearful of retribution by Muslims they chose not to.
It is believed the Pontiff was unaware of the campaign, which took place days before his stop in Bethlehem on Sunday.
Tensions between Christians and Muslims resurfaced last week with the school’s enforcement of their zero-tolerance policy of the rule it had instituted years earlier. …Daplü
Fishl Do not try to make a mess and contradict two different situations: mosque or church and school are very different places You know about itDaplü
Do not try to make a mess
and contradict two different situations:
mosque or church and school are very different places
You know about it
@Franciszek 44 it surprises me that you write about a Christian campaign. When you would have read the information carefully you would have understood …Daplü
@Franciszek 44
it surprises me that you write about a Christian campaign. When you would have read the information carefully you would have understood that in contrary there was a muslim campaign against the school 's rule which was instituted since a long time.
It is a shame that the muslims dont tolerate the rule. Nobody asks them e.g. to tolerate christians wearing shoes when visiting a mosque.
Stupidity ? No. The nuns were allright .
And the sensitive muslims had nothing to do than starting a campaign while the Pope visited Bethlehem.
Somebody behind the muslim campaign?!
Indichar ün commentar implü

Poland's Communist Dictator Died Reconciled to the Church

(Warsaw) two days ago the former self-confessed atheist and communist dictator of Poland, Wojciech Witold Jaruzelski (1923-2014), passed away on May 25th in Warsaw, provided with the last sacraments …Daplü
(Warsaw) two days ago the former self-confessed atheist and communist dictator of Poland, Wojciech Witold Jaruzelski (1923-2014), passed away on May 25th in Warsaw, provided with the last sacraments and reconciled with the Catholic Church.
Jaruzelski was born into a Catholic family of the Polish gentry. The family fled to Lithuania to escape German troops where it was captured by the invading Soviet troops and deported to the Altai Mountains. Jaruzelski and his father had to do forced labor. To avoid this, the 20-year-old joined the Polish Bering-Army established in the Soviet Union, which fought alongside the Red Army against the Axis powers.
Despite Soviet Deportation He Entered Into the CP
After the Second World War, he was admitted to the General Staff Academy. After the Soviets had wiped out the Polish officer corps in 1940 at Katyn, Moscow built from 1945 a new Army loyal to the regime. Thus, Jaruzelski joined the ruling Communist Party in Poland in 1947, established with Soviet …Daplü
Dr Bobus
I still remember when JPII first arrived in Poland. Gen Jaruzelski was standing, reading a greeting (or whatever), and not only his hands but his entire …Daplü
I still remember when JPII first arrived in Poland. Gen Jaruzelski was standing, reading a greeting (or whatever), and not only his hands but his entire body was shaking. It almost seemed like a comedy skit.
:'-) Wonderful 😇

On Homosexuality and Abortion, the Voice of the Third World

Pope Francis urges openness to the "peripheries" of the globe. But then it cannot be Germany and France that establish the Church's teaching and practice on gay marriage and communion for the remarried.Daplü
Pope Francis urges openness to the "peripheries" of the globe. But then it cannot be Germany and France that establish the Church's teaching and practice on gay marriage and communion for the remarried.
by Sandro Magister
ROME, May 6, 2014 – In the run-up to the synod on the family, one of the most striking elements has been the questionnaire distributed "for the purpose of obtaining concrete and real data on the theme of the synod":
> "Pastoral challenges…"
Both the formulation of the 39 questions of the questionnaire and the ways in which the responses were collected were not such as to permit a statistical compilation of the results. The responses were supposed to remain confidential. Some episcopates made them public, however, especially in Germany, Austria, and German-speaking Switzerland, highlighting the vast distance in their respective countries between the Church's moral teaching and the behavior of many of the faithful.
The secretariat of the synod is preparing a comprehensive …Daplü

The Crisis of the Church is a Crisis of Bishops: Mockery and Scandal in the Cathedral for …

The baptism of baby Umma Azul, the daughter of one member of a lesbian "couple" civilly "married" in Argentina took place yesterday in the Cathedral of Córdoba (previous post on the matter here). The …Daplü
The baptism of baby Umma Azul, the daughter of one member of a lesbian "couple" civilly "married" in Argentina took place yesterday in the Cathedral of Córdoba (previous post on the matter here). The President of the Argentine Republic, Mrs. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was not present, but sent some gifts by way of a representative.
On the previous day, the Archbishop of Córdoba, Carlos Ñáñez, had said that the ladies finally were not going to be confirmed, but that the baptism would happen since it was "the right of the child," and that this whole problem had been caused by the "manipulation of the media". He also said he had informed Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Prefect for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, so that the Holy See was kept "informed" of the situation (source: Infocatólica).
Two points: First, as a matter of fact, the media would not even be aware of the baptism if the couple had not gone to all lengths to make this a widely publicized event. Daplü
On Guard
The Archbishop has said that the 2 women will not be Confirmed.... BUT....he allowed the Baptism of the baby to be a part of this scandalous situation. …Daplü
The Archbishop has said that the 2 women will not be Confirmed.... BUT....he allowed the Baptism of the baby to be a part of this scandalous situation.
What was his reason for denying the Confirmation....What was his real reason for allowing the Baptism.?
The conduct of the clergy in this mess makes REAL Catholics disgusted and ashamed of being cathollic.
May Our Lord hasten his visit to our world to set us all straight.

Pakistani couple get death sentences for blasphemy

A Pakistani Christian couple have been sentenced to death for blasphemy after allegedly sending a text message insulting the Prophet Muhammad. The couple, named as Shafqat Emmanuel and Shagufta Kausar …Daplü
A Pakistani Christian couple have been sentenced to death for blasphemy after allegedly sending a text message insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
The couple, named as Shafqat Emmanuel and Shagufta Kausar, were found guilty of sending the text message to the imam of their local mosque.
Allegations of blasphemy against Islam are taken very seriously in Pakistan.
Several recent cases have prompted international concern about the application of blasphemy laws.
The imam brought a complaint against the couple last July.
The couple's lawyer told the BBC he would appeal against the sentences and said the trial had not been conducted fairly.
Pakistan has a de facto moratorium on the death penalty so it is unlikely the couple will be executed.
They come from the town of Gojra in Punjab, previously the scene of communal violence. read more

Sister Jane Dominic: one strike and she's out?

By Phil Lawler We still don’t know exactly what Sister Jane Dominic Laurel said at Charlotte Catholic High School to provoke such an angry reaction. No recording has been produced; no text of her talk …Daplü
By Phil Lawler
We still don’t know exactly what Sister Jane Dominic Laurel said at Charlotte Catholic High School to provoke such an angry reaction. No recording has been produced; no text of her talk has been released. We have only second-hand reports. We do know that the school and the Charlotte diocese have apologized , and now Aquinas College, where Sister Jane Dominic teaches, has announced that she will be cancelling her speaking engagements and talking a leave of absence.
An official of the Charlotte diocese, after saying that most of the sister’s presentation was “excellent and fully in line with the Catholic faith,” added that toward the end of the talk Sister Jane Dominic, who is trained as a theologian, included some sociological observations which could be debated. “Because of the ongoing debate,” said Father Roger Arnsparger, “it would have been better if these studies and data were omitted from the presentation to the students.” Sister Mary Sarah, president of Aquinas …Daplü

Parents who don’t love their children should not be criminalised

By Max Wind-Cowie Under the terms of the proposed ‘Cinderella law’ parents could face up to ten years in prison for ‘emotional neglect’. You can’t legislate for love. Sad though it may be, frustrating …Daplü
By Max Wind-Cowie
Under the terms of the proposed ‘Cinderella law’ parents could face up to ten years in prison for ‘emotional neglect’.
You can’t legislate for love. Sad though it may be, frustrating as it often is, whether or not we love one another isn’t something that can be written into law. It is ironic that our society – which allows for quickie divorces and which just this weekend conducted gay weddings for the first time – should be so blind to this simple fact. We subscribe to a dogma of ‘what the heart wants’ when it comes to the coupling and, to borrow a phrase, ‘conscious uncoupling’ that we see about us. And yet, when it comes to people’s relationships with their children, we’re unable to follow our own logic. Instead we try to regulate for feelings.
So it is that our Government, in what it clearly considers its infinite wisdom, wants to enact a ‘Cinderella law’. Under the terms of the proposed legislation parents could face up to ten years in prison for ‘emotional neglect …Daplü
Prof. Leonard Wessell
"Emotional neglect" is relative. Some instance must give it precisely defined and recognizable meaning or reserve vor itself or its "experts" must be …Daplü
"Emotional neglect" is relative. Some instance must give it precisely defined and recognizable meaning or reserve vor itself or its "experts" must be given the right to detering what "neglect" is. This gives to the instanc, i.e., to the goverment officials enormous power. Let us say that a child feels unease amongst aggressive homosexuals or overzealous educators of sex in schools. The school could report this "uncomfortable" feeling by the child as evidence of being damaged re acceptance and affirmation of all sexuality. Ergo, the state removes the child or punishes the parents. The potentiality for totalitarian intervention into family life is enormous. Of particular difficulty would be a one parent, i.e., mother, family where the parent must work and must of necessity not spend an ideal "non-neglecting" time with the child. One can use one's imagination. The possiblities of making the state (i.e., actually those who are in power) totally responsible for the child. It freightens me. …Daplü

Cardinal Caffarra Expresses Serious Concerns About Family Synod Debates

Reflecting on the Feb. 21-22 consistory on the family, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, the archbishop of Bologna, discusses the themes of next October’s Extraordinary Synod and 2015’s Ordinary Synod: marriage …Daplü
Reflecting on the Feb. 21-22 consistory on the family, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, the archbishop of Bologna, discusses the themes of next October’s Extraordinary Synod and 2015’s Ordinary Synod: marriage, the family, the teachings of Humanae Vitae, the sacrament of Confession.
This interview appeared in Il Foglio 14 March 2014 under the headline: "From Bologna with Love: Hold on a Moment!".
John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation, Familiaris Consortio is at the centre of a heated controversy. Some claiming it is the foundation stone of the Gospel of the Family, others claim it is simply out of date. Is it possible to update the Church’s teaching in this area?
If we are talking about gender issues and so called homosexual marriage, then it is true that at the time of Familiaris Consortio‘s publication these things were not in discussion. But the document does speak about all the other problems. In particular it speaks a great length about the problem of the divorced and remarried.
full …Daplü

Bill Gates Reveals Family Goes to Catholic Church: 'It Makes Sense to Believe in God'

By Stoyan Zaimov Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, revealed in a recent interview that his family goes to a Catholic church and that religious morality inspires a lot of his charity work. He …Daplü
By Stoyan Zaimov
Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, revealed in a recent interview that his family goes to a Catholic church and that religious morality inspires a lot of his charity work. He also shared his personal thoughts on God and the biggest issues facing the world today.
"The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We've raised our kids in a religious way; they've gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. I've been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that's kind of a religious belief. I mean, it's at least a moral belief," Gates says in an interview.
When asked if he believed in God, he responded, "I think it makes sense to believe in God, but exactly what decision in your life you make differently because of it, I don't know."
At the same time, he said he agrees with "people like Richard Dawkins that mankind felt the need for creation myths."