Some of Francis' Workers Are Unhappy

A total of 49 Vatican employees are threatening to file a complaint over poor working conditions that "do not respect the basic principles of dignity". The group includes 47 museum guards, a restorer …More
A total of 49 Vatican employees are threatening to file a complaint over poor working conditions that "do not respect the basic principles of dignity".
The group includes 47 museum guards, a restorer and a bookshop worker. According to Italian media, they intend to take the Governatorato, the Vatican administration headed by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, a Spanish Legionary of Christ, to court if they do not receive a satisfactory response to their demands.
In a letter to Vérgez Alzaga, they say that the working conditions in the Vatican Museums are detrimental to the dignity and health of the workers.
They complain that they have been unfairly paid for overtime, that they have not received promotions and that they have to pay back part of the salary they received without working because of the closures during the Covid hysteria. Other Vatican workers may be ready to join the complaints.
The workers write that "legislation regulating the world of work in the Vatican is insufficient …More
Billy F
The Whole Kingdom of God is unhappy!
Patricia McKeever
This is laughable, given the amount of times Francis has spouted forth on justice, dignity etc.